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Sound Design Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for sound engineers, producers, editors, and enthusiasts. It only takes a minute to sign up. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. This app has always worked well before but for some reason there was a problem this time.

The relevant file shows up as having 21MB about the right size and appeared to be recording normally, but when I tried to play it using Notability or any other player – tried Quicktime, Real Player, Audacity, VLC and WondersharePlayer it shows up as having zero duration.

I am using a Mac with Mavericks installed. There is also a preview that sounds right. Can anyone suggest a way that I might be able to get access to this file without paying lots of money? It seems like it should not be difficult but I just don’t seem to be able to find the key to the puzzle. Afterwards, the m4a file plays! Note: this is completely free. Do you have broken voice memo files?

You can fix those files by yourself. I will show you the steps in this article. You may fix files recorded with other programs like QuickVoice or on Android. File extensions may be mp4 or 3gp. The m4a files get broken when some parts of header lost correct information.

For example, when the bytes indicating the length of the audio data become 0, the file can not be replayed any more on iPhone, iPad, Mac or Windows PC. But, in some cases you can fix the broken header by yourself by extracting the audio data, encoding it, and putting it into the new file container.

Extract faad. You can choose any favorite binary editor. Move your voice memo file from your iPhone to PC via iTunes. You can use other tools like iFunbox. Please place the copied file to the same directory as where you placed the above faad.

Please copy the broken m4a file to some folder for backup. Start HxD or your binary editor program and open the broken m4a file. Press R key with Windows key to open the dialog. Type faad. In the command prompt window, type faac. In seconds or minutes, you will find the encoded file named repaired. Please replay the repaired. You could try rewriting the file using ffmpeg with the following command:. Alternatively, you may use FAAD and a hex editor e. Find out where the actual data starts in a hex editor.

Not always after the mdat entry – there may be a lot of zeros in the beginning of the file. Simply copy everything afterwards to a new binary file, e. For the AAC format, every sample seems to begin with 0x21, which is a hint that you found the right position.

Reaper is a quite successful DAW in opening corrupt and unsupported audio files and may help with this problem. It is not free but has a day unlimited and never expiring trial which will be more than enough for your case.

Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Start collaborating and sharing organizational knowledge. Create a free Team Why Teams? Learn more about Teams. Asked 8 years, 10 months ago. Modified 2 months ago. Viewed 90k times.

Improve this question. Michael Hansen Buur 3, 14 14 silver badges 31 31 bronze badges. Jim Jim 1 1 gold badge 1 1 silver badge 3 3 bronze badges. Do you mind posting a link to the file? Links on that site go to a downloadable program for offline: aeroquartet. Audacity has a “repair” feature in the Effects menu. You might try that.

I tried using “treasured”, the downloadable programme. What is more it appears mainly aimed again at drumming up business for the expensive repair service those guys are running.

That service is probably cheap for professionals, but for a home user it’s overpriced and my guess is the fix is pretty basic. The Audacity “repair” feature will not work because I cannot open the file in Audacity. It says it is not a supported format I have downloaded the FFmpeg Library and it works with other m4a files. Show 5 more comments. Sorted by: Reset to default. Highest score default Date modified newest first Date created oldest first.

Download faac. Place it in the same folder as above. For example, you see faad. Place the file to the same directory. Open the file with binary editor. Press F key with control key to open the Find box.

Press S key with control key to save. Decode by faad. Check if the command histories are like below. Improve this answer. The suggested link did not work for me. I followed the above instructions and was successfully able to restore critical interviews I had recorded with my Android phone in M4A format. These steps saved me on Windows 10! This also worked for me on macOS, using HexFiend as hex editor and installing faad2 using homebrew.

Also works great on Ubuntu Linux, just used GHex as the hex editor and removed the “. On macOS, after deleting the starting parts in a hex editor, install faad2 and faac audio decoder and coders: brew install faad2 , brew install faac.

Then decode corrupted m4a file: faad corrupted. Show 2 more comments. You could try rewriting the file using ffmpeg with the following command: ffmpeg -i damagedfile. You then use FAAD to convert the corrected file using this command: faad. If you are using a hex editor, what can help is to use 2 files: a good one and the corrupted one. If you look at the headers in both, you can spot dramatic differences and those may be problems.

If your corrupted file is supposed to be 10 minutes, use a good 10 minute file for comparison. In the file I had, there was a lot of 0xa5 just before 0xe0 and then the 0x21 as pointed out bytes in, in my case. Got Error: Array index out of range but the file plays like a treat, only thing is that at the end, mplayer complains Error decoding AAC frame header. Any ideas? The note about 0x21 was the key for me.

Deleted everything up to mdat , and then everything up to but not including the first hex value set to As simple as it sounds, this worked for me hassle-free in July Add a comment. Guney Ozsan Guney Ozsan 3 3 silver badges 14 14 bronze badges. MarcW No it is not a paradox. It just means the producer doesn’t enforce a digital copy protection. This doesn’t mean that the license extends beyond 60 days.

Not the answer you’re looking for? Browse other questions tagged audio file repair recovery aac-m4a or ask your own question. The Overflow Blog.


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They are short but every second precious to me and irreplaceable. If so, thank you so, so much!!! First of all, I would like to thank the author of this article for the effort in helping those with corrupted mp4 files.

Hi, this is Sun who is lived in Korea. What should I do or not do? I have met all the errors that you guys listed above. My advice: Just create simple name for files and simple path road for the folder. It will work the second time. Hey, I am trying this.. When I use this method only saves 2 seconds or so… I want full I need to learn where does it get broken! Hi, i have the same problem. After following the steps sometimes i get a tiny wav file, is it suposed to happen?

Originaly, my recording is around 12min within a 6. It may be possible that the recording data was not saved to the file due to application crash.

In this case, a shorter wav file is generated than expected. Hello, after following step no. So if its not too much to ask can you take a look at it and see if you can fix it? Thanks alot. Thank you for your sulotion! Reran faad, the same error showed again…..

BTW: May I have your authority to translate this article into Chinese and repost it to some social network? Is it normal that the WAV file and repaired file are each both 1ko?

I you have more zeroes than I have highlighted here, no biggie since I ad more as well, but deleted them in order to illustrate. In principle I found no errors, but no luck. The output from the faad command the wav file is much shorter than the original m4a file the original is about 24 MB and the wav only 4 MB. One more question: the original file has at the beginning the signature: ftypmp42 which corresponds with M4V MPEG-4 files.

Is that normal? Hi, I have a fix corrupted m4a file and i would like recover it! The size of the corrupted file is about MB. Can you help me please? I emailed you this morning. I would be much obliged if you responded as soon as possible. My email will explain why.

I would be so so thankful if you could help me. I was recording a voicememo but then my phone ran out of battery so I guess it was not saved correctly. I cannot play the voicememo on my phone and neither can I download it to itunes. Is there anything I can do to recover it? Help please. The audio file is really long like 1. Hello, unfortunately I stuck at point 6 decoding by faad.

Thanks a lot, Sysfrontier. Your steps helped but my original file had a recording of 60 min yet the repaired file was only able to recover the first 9 minutes of it. Any ideas or suggestions? Thanks a lot. What is the size of the file? Is it same as the size of a working file with 60 min? It may be possible that the data after first 9 minutes has slipped off due to app crash. Microsoft Windows [Version All rights reserved. Had a HR dismisall interview recorded and needed to write it up but it got corrupt, ii tried loads but this worked!

Go grab the ffmpeg binaries and use this command from the binary directory: ffmpeg -i input. I tried a second time, and I notice that the Error message I got after the Faad. I just recovered some broken recording from BB I have a problem with faad. What I am doing wrong? We need to look into the file to see how the data gets corrupted. If you want us to do so, please send us via Dropbox or Google drive.

Dear Sysfrontier! I had same problem as Sachin. Answering to question about size — 1 file was 13,1 Mb — became 1,44 and 2nd one was 53,4 — became 12,1. I have to fix them up urgently,because my future job depends on these 2 files, so please , if you have any suggetions, tell! Thanx in advance.

Please make sure you have faad. I just found this really useful guideline.. Thank you admin! Then, the repaired. Thank you again.. You guys are a life-saver. I came here as a last resort and you saved my day.

Thanks a million guyss. I have to admit though the file seems to have lowered in pitch by a tiny bit — is it possible this has something to do with the sample rate?

And when I finish the process; I get the file name repaired. CAn you please explain what can be the problem. My file is of Please upload your file to Dropbox or Google Drive, etc. Get the link to the file. Yes, we do.

Hello, can you please tell me what to do since i am stuck in step 5. I repaired a voice memo successfully. It was very important for me. I followed the exact description. Hi there! I tried this way with a 20Mo file but I only get a 72Ko wav file. Can you help me with this issue? The size implies that the audio data has been lost forever from the file.

It is impossible to restore the original data from the 72KB file. I do it for my friend and it work in my case. But I have i think we lost a little bit records. The original file have 65,7 MB and the repaired file only 34,4 MB 37,36 min. It created a corrupt. I was so disappointed.. Thanks Team.. Hey there! Thanks a lot for such a helpful article. This is a very important recording for me, though. Could you please take a look at it?

My files m4a is corrupted due by end batterie of my phone. The file have 65Mb, so what could be the cost if you do the repair? How long is the recording? The strange thing is, the file was working before, and the filesize is the same as other similar length. I recorded a voice memo on my iPhone and the battery shut down so I believe the recording did not save properly. Thank you Sysfrontier for this complete tutorial. I had one corrupted M4A file and thanks to your information I could restore this important file.

I would recommend this post for anybody that have this kind of problems. Thank you sooo much! So grateful for your kindness and generosity in supplying this page. They were recorded on different days and were both about the same length, 70 and 73 mb. Almost 3 hours Failed due to no space left. When removing the header and trying to decode with Fadd, both times the resulting file is a stereo WAV file of exactly 6.

So seems this is not a problem with the defective files but with the decoder. The data in the Hex editor HxD seems to all be there to the end. No I just tried on a 32 bit XP and same exact file size results! BTW, the original files are supposed to 63 or 64 kbps, Mono, 44 kHz. These files do not show any details in Windows explorer though.

Same length, about 74 mb, length 2 hr 36m. After removing the header it decoded it to a file size which was exactly the same length of 74 mb, but the resulting file is exactly 7 min 2.

It plays fine. So apparently faad is not compatible with this mp4 format. Just wondering if you can please provide some help for how to recover this file through my mac, alternatively are you able to fix this for me?

And at what cost and how long would this take? We currently recommend to use Windows. We will fix it as soon as possible. The method you described worked perfectly, thanks! Thank you sooo much for your help! Thanks so much! I was recording a class and dropped my phone so it turned off. You rock. Just wanted to thank you for posting this …. The files were critical for a new story I was writing. Thanks so much!!! But, the last file I tried to rescue is the most difficult. Here is the information from a file recorded minutes earlier under the same setup wich plays fine :.

I tried to decode with Nero and FFMpeg, no success. Please, guy help me. I have an issue on the step 6 too. Please, help me on this issue. Please confirm that you are in the same directory as where faad.

It is a recorded file for a concert that we prepare. I need just to relisten to the music and voice to get prepare. And i had this issue. It was recorded on my Blackberry Z3 phone. I tried to change the folder and put the faad and faac. Could you help me please? This file is so important. I spent already 5 hours to do it. Help me please. Should I send the file to you via a share link to see if you can fix it for me?

Lost in encoding steps…. Can you send us the file? Kind regards. I did many researches online, in french-speaking forums also. But, I found very limited options. Thanks a lot! I was able to repair two research interview recordings, so thank you very very very much!!! I am really able to retrieve the audio files, but in most cases the duration of the repaired file is too shorter than the first damaged file.

I want to humbly request if you could please help me to be able to have complete files. It is possible that some of the last part gets lost due to app crash. Hi, please help i am getting error as Array index out of range at the stage of faad. When I execute faad. It may be possible that not only the header part, but the data part is damaged. We are sorry, but it is impossible to restore the audio in such a case. When i do step 6, i have a file.

Am trying to recover a corrupted audio recording from quickvoice — a lecture from a tax professor to be used as review materials for the bar exam.

This file is supposedly 80mb but I can;t open it when i am supposed to listen to it to check the quality. It shows zero duration. I recorded this for more than an hour.

How long supposedly should I wait for the corrected file to appear? I kept on looking and following your instructions to the dot to the point of trial and error just to make sure I follow exactly the same procedure. Hope to hear from you ASAP. Do I really have to browse all these figures? Please advise ASAP. Please advise. Am already on the last part as shown below: —————————————- Microsoft Windows [Version 6. Thank you so much!

I just recover 1 hour interview i tought i had lost forever! It really helped me : -3 It really works!! Did you record it with Voice Memo app on iPhone? Hi, is normal that repaired file has only 12 minutes instead of 1 hour? I have the exact same problem as cheeseburger posted above. My repaired file lost more than 20 minutes of the original length. Is there any way to repair a larger portion of the corrupted m4a file? I suppose the change in length has something to do with the deletion of lines in the binary editor?

I need help desperately. I am partially deaf and get accommodations at college to voice record lectures so I can listen to them later. I keep following these instructions, and I cannot do it. I keep getting an error message about how it is not recognized. I do not know what I am doing wrong— they are all in the folder and everything. Will someone please please help me? Can I email it? Thank, it works for my corrupted iphone voice memo file.

The original file was 51 mins, while using your methods, I recovered 19 mins. Any idea about how to recover the full length? How can I fix that. The total recording is 16 minutes, so I still miss 9 minutes. Is there a way to recover the last part of the recording? Thank you so much for your help, recovering the first 7 minutes was great!

Kind regards, Marije Mobach The Netherlands. Hi, I tried the steps above with an m4a file from a phone which had its battery die. Can anyone help me sort this out? I followed the steps but it only recovered 7 minutes of a 24 minute file. Is there any way of getting more of the recording back? Dear Sysfrontier, thanks a lot for sharing this!

I have an issue, after step 6 I get — Error: Channel coupling not yet implemented. I get a file of bytes compared with the original 80MBytes…. I was only able to find one mdat in the binary data. The recording is of a lecture with no stops in the middle. I followed the steps listed above but I encountered some errors through steps 5 and 6.

I am extremely worried that my. So I Googled what the best solution could be to my problem and I stumbled upon this page. Please help. It will be greatly appreciated. The freaking audio file is an hour-long interview for my undergraduate thesis. It is utterly important. I am actually at the end step 7, coding is running. I do not know where will be the end… Any experince about this issue?

My file is very big, more than 2 gb. What could be wrong? My file is more than 2gb… Thanks. Failed 1st time when in step 5. Hi, I fixed it, thank you! Hi, Thank, it works for my corrupted iphone voice memo file. This worked for me, Many thanks! Hi, I just want to tell you that this guide is amazing. Best regards. The data after 7 min may have been lost forever due to app crash.

I am sorry, but it may be impossible to recover any more data from your file. First of all — Thank YOU for a solution that finally worked for me. As the person mentioned above — I only restored about 4 minutes of the total 63 minutes. Any idea of why it shows as 1 hour 3 minutes in my voice memo app on my iPhone and it only saved 4 minutes.

Thanks for this. My wife does interviews for our community paper. First time voice memo has failed her. I was able to recover the first important half of the interview. My 79 year old dad is a retired university music professor.

Among the many things he does to keep himself busy is judging student honor bands. He uses his iPhone Voice Memo app to record his voice while the group is playing so the students can listen to his critiques along with their performance in the background.

He just got a new iPhone Xs and was excited to use it at the most recent performance. It produced a corrupt file. I was able to follow the instructions in this tutorial and salvage the audio data from the file! My dad would like me to pass along his most sincere gratitude for making this information available. Thank you so very much! I only got 7 min of my 48 min recording.

Do you know if I can still get the rest of it in any way? I have tried everything and every program or app! I had some problems with step 6, only because I only deleted the word mdat and nothing more. I can now listen to it, but since it apparently was an error in the voice memo app, I lost 10 minutes of it. I was aware of this since I did a diagnostic test. First of all, let me say this has been a great help and saved a lot of my research interview. Thank you very very very much for this tutorial.

However, my file which was originally about 47m long is now only 23m20s and as far as I remember it does not start at the start and does not end at the end. Do you think there is a way to recover the other half of my interview or is it because the app the native iPhone recorder did not work the right way?

I have a corrupted voice memo from an iPhone, that should be 1 hour and 40 minutes long, but when copied from the phone the file size is reduced from 80 to 26 MB and after using this method, I end up with only 16 and a half minute of the recording.

I was able to recover an important meeting recording that I thought was lost forever, and I no nothing about hexidecimal, mdat, faad and all the things in your article. Very grateful that people like you take the time to write these things up. Thank you thank you thank you! Saved a really important research interview and only lost 8 minutes at the end. Vendor and version information [?

Digital signatures [? Hashes [? These are some of the error messages that can appear related to faad. We are sorry for the inconvenience. End Program – faad. This program is not responding. What will you do with faad. To help other users, please let us know what you will do with faad. What did other users do? Please select the option that best describe your thoughts on the information provided on this web page I now have a good idea of whether the file is legitimate or malware I still do not know whether the file is legitimate or malware – I need more information View results.

Free online surveys. Comments Please share with the other users what you think about this file. Fuzhou Xianzhi Ruishi Information Technology typically does not release MoboPlay EXE files for download because they are bundled together inside of a software installer.

The installer’s task is to ensure that all correct verifications have been made before installing and placing faac. An incorrectly installed EXE file may create system instability and could cause your program or operating system to stop functioning altogether.

Proceed with caution. You are downloading trial software. Subscription auto-renews at the end of the term Learn more. Repair and Download Faac. Average User Rating. View Other faac. Some of the most common faac. Class not registered. We are sorry for the inconvenience. Cannot find faac. Error starting program: faac. Faulting Application Path: faac.

The file faac. Windows failed to start – faac. How to Fix faac. Step 1: Restore your PC back to the latest restore point, “snapshot”, or backup image before error occurred. In the search results, find and click System Restore. Follow the steps in the System Restore Wizard to choose a relevant restore point. Restore your computer to that backup image.


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Download Freeware Advanced Audio Codec for free. FAAC is an Advanced Audio Coder (MPEG2-AAC, MPEG4-AAC). The goal of FAAC is to explore the. replace.me is an executable file that is part of the Logitech Media Server program developed by Logitech Inc.. The software is usually about. Downloads. faac source · faac Windows bit executable · faac Windows bit executable · faad source · faad


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