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As a result, all the drawings have been redrawn with utmost intelligibility. Many new examples, drawings are incorporated along with some new text matter. The chapter on Computer-Aided Drafting CADr is entirely rewritten with the inclusion of 50 self-interactive and self-learning practice modules. This book accompanied by a computer CD as a novel pedagogical concept, containing 51 selected audiovisual animation modules presented for better visualization and understanding of the subject.

The solutions to exercises of Chapter 17, Isometric Projection and Chapter 20 Conversion of Views are given in this edition. Share B. D Bhatt pdf — Latest Edition to other engineering or diploma students and help them to download Engineering Drawing Book pdf. Your email address will not be published. Add Comment. Post Comment. The areaof a field is 50, and B cm respectively’ ana tii iieuatn of tie field, on the map is 10 cm Mark the length m.

Take 20 cm length and divide it into 5 equal parts. Complete the scale as shown tn fig. Comparative scales: Scales having same representative fraction. A drawing drawn with a. Draw the scale showing I f, inch divisions and. Construct a comparativi scale showing centimetresand millimetres,. Problem 4.

Construct this scale to read miles and to measure upto 40 miles. Constructa comparative scale, attachedto this scale,to read kilometres upto 60 kilometres. A passen1erirain covers this distancein 6 hours. Each part represents 5 km for thb distance scale and minutes for the time scale. Probfem 4. Construct comparative scalesfor the two units to measure upto versts and km respectively. As it would be difiicuit to sub-dividethe minor divisions in the ordinary way, it is done with the help of the vernier.

The graduations on the vernier are derived from those on the primary scale. Similarly, w i l l b e 0. The vernier divisions are marked in the same d i r e c t i o na s t h a t o f t h e m a i n s c a l e ‘ ii Backwardvernier: The length of each division of vernier scale is greater.

Divide each of tl]ese partsinto l0 equalpartsto sholv decjmetres. Probfem a, lig. It may also be obtainedby setting-offa chordSe of 55″ Fill-upthe blanksin the followingsentences, usingappropriatewords,’ selectedfrom thosegivenin the brackets: a The ratio of the length of the drawing of the object.

Answercto Ex. Showthe lengthof 7. Gdm on it. Constructa scaleof 1. Draw a diagonalscaleof R. Show the lengthof 3. Draw a scaleof showingmetresand decimetres, and to measure upto 8 metres. Construct a diagonal scale of R. Show a length of metres on it. The distance between two points on a map is 5 ;’ actually 20 miles apart.

The distance between Vadodaraand Surat is km. Find rhe disrance 2 6. Show on your scale the lengths 6. A room of m3 volumeis shownby a cube of cm3 volume.

M a r k a distance of 22 m on the scare. Find out the shrinkagefactor and the corrected R. The actual length of m is representedby a line of 15 cm on a drawing. Construct a vernier scale to read upto m. MJrk on the scale a length of m. Draw a vernier scale of R.

Mark on the scale distinces of 2. Specialmethodsof d B i s e c t i na g line p e r p e n d i c u l a r s regularpolygons To draw inscr polygons Regular To draw parallel ines circles To dividea line 1 3. With centre A and radius greater than A8, drarv arcs on both sides of A8. Further,CD bisectsAB at right angles. To bisecta given arc fig. Let AB be the arc drawn with centre O.

Adopt the same method a- Ceometrical Construclion 69 ,To draw perpendiculars: Problem To draw a perpendicular to a given line from a point within it fis. Let48 be the given line and p the point in it. Then PO is the required perpendkular. LetAB be the given line and p the point in it.

Draw a linejoining p and e. Probfem S To draw a perpendicularto a given line from a point outside it fig. To draw Parallellines: Problem To draw a line through a given point, parallel to a given straight line fi8.

Let AB be the given line and P the Point. GeometricalConstruction 71 Frc. Let AB be the given line and R the given distance. CD is the required l i ne. To divide a line: Probfem a. To divide a given straight line into any number of e q u a l p a r t st f i g. Let AB be the given line to be divided into say, seven equal parts. To divide a Siven suai9htline into unequal Partstfig. Drop 1 perpendicularfrom C to AB. To bisect an angle: Problem Io bisect a given angle fig’ ‘ Frc. To dnw a line inclined to a given line at an angle equal to a given angle fig.

To trisect an angle: Problem Io tfisect a given right angle fig. To find the centre of an arc: Probfem To find the centreof a given arc fig. Let AB be the given arc. Probfem 5. To draw an arc of a given radius, touching a given straight line and passingthrough a given point fig. Let,48 be the givenline,P the point and R the radius.

S – 1 3 Problem Io draw an arc of a given radius touching two given stnight lines at right anglesto each other fig. Probfem To draw an arc of a given radius touching two given gtraight lines which make any angle between them tfig.

S a and fig. Probfem 5″ Io draw an arc of a given radius touching a given arc and a given straighLline. Problem 5″ Io draw an arc of a given radius touching two given. T]]IO Ftc. S – 1 7 Problem To draw an arc passingthrough three given points not in a straight line fig. Let A, I and C be the given points. Problem 5. Ceom etaical. To constructequilateraltriangles: Problem g. To construct an equilateral of the side fie. Probfem O. To construct an equilateraltriangle of a given altitude fig.

To construct a square, Iengthof a side given fi8. With the T-square,draw a line AB equal to the given length. Then ABCD is the required square. To construct regular polygons: Problem 5. Let the number of sides of the polygon be seven i.

Method I: fig. B0 Engineering Drawing b Arc method. Specialmethods of drawing regular polygons: Problem , To construct a pentagon, Iength of a side given. Method I: tig.

X Ftc. To constructa hexagon,length of a side given fig. To inscribe a rcgular octagon in a given square fig. Regularpolygonsinscribedin circles: Problem To inscribe a regular polygon of any number of sides, say 5, in a given circle fig. Toinscribea squarein a given circle fig.

Problem , To insuibe a regular pentagon in a given circle fig. Io lnscribe a regular heptagonin a given circle fig. To inscribea regular octagonin a given circle fig. To describean equilateralt angle about a given circle fig.

Tlren fFC is the required triangle. Problem g To draw a squareabout a given circle fig’ ‘ i W’th centre O, describethe given circle. EFCH is the required square. To describe a regular hexagon about a Siven circle Ifits. Io describea regulat octaSonabout a Siven circle fig. To draw tangents: Problem To draw a tangent to a given circle at any point on tr fig. To draw a tangent to a given circle from any pornt outside it. Draw a line through p and R. Then this line is-the required tangent.

Io draw a tangent to a given arc of inaccessible centre at any point on it ftig. Let AB be the given arc and p the point on it. Draw EF,the bisector of the arc CD. RS’is rhe req’uired tangent.

Probfem b. Io draw a tarigentto a given circle and parallelto a Biven line tfig. The circle with centre O and the line Ag are given. Drawing Engineering Problem Io draw a common tangent to two given circles of e q u a l r a d i i fi g. Draw the given circles with centres O and P. To draw a common tanlent to two given circles o; unequal radii tfig. Ceometrical Const. Lengthsof arcs: Probfem S To determine the length of a given arc lig.

To determine the tength of the circumference of a given circle [ig. Let the circle with centre O be given. Circlesand lines in contact: Probfem To draw a circle passingthrough a given point and tangent to a given line at a given point on it fig. A t e , d r a w a line perpendicularto ,’ To draw a circle passingthrough a given point and touchin7 a given circle at a given point on it fig.

GeometricalConsiruclion F C. From P, draw a tangent to the circle intersectingAB in D. Then O’is the centre of anothercircle which will include the given circle within it. To draw a circle to touch a given circle and a given line at a given point on it fig. At P, drawa perpendicular to ,,48intersectingthe line throughC and C at O. To draw a circle touching two given circles,one of them at a given point on it [fig. Circles with centres A and B, and a point p on the circle A are given tfig.

To insuibe a circle in a given triangle fig. Let ABC be the triangle. To draw a circle touching three lines inclined to each other but not fotming a triangle fig.

Protrlem Io inscribea circle in a regularpolygon of any number of sides, saya pentagon fig. To draw in a regular polygon, the same number of equal circles as the sides of the polygon, -circlei. To draw in a regularpolygon, the same number -potygon,'”each of equal circles as the sldes of th.

F trcc.. Io draw in a given regular hexagon, three equal circles, each touchlng one side and two other circles fig. Draw the other circles in the same manner.

Geometrical Construction 9S Frc. To draw outside a given regularpolygon, the same “the numbe. Io draw outside a given circle any number of equa!

Draw the bisector EF of. With centre O and radius equal to 50 mm, draw two arcs of any lengths on opposite sides of O. Draw a line AB 75 mm long.

At B, erect a perpendiculargC j 00 mm long. Draw a line joining A and C, and measure its length. Draw a line PQ 1OOmm long. At any point O in it near its cenrre,erecr a perpendicularOA 65 mm long.

ThroughA, draw a line parallelto pe. Construct a rectangleof sides 65 mm and 40 mm long. Draw a line A8 75 mm long. Mark a point C, 65 mm from A and 90 mm from 8. Draw two lines AB and AC making an angle of Construct a right angle pQR. Describea circle of 20 mm radius touching the sides PQ and eR.

With O as centre, draw a circle of 40 mnr d i a m e t e r. Draw two circles of 20 mm and 30 mm radii respectivelywitlt centres 6 5 m m a p a r t.

Draw a circle with centre O and radius equal to 30 mm. From P and Q draw tangents to the circle. Two shafts carry pulleys of 90 cm and. Draw the arrangement showing the two pulleys connected by i direct belt ii crossed belt T a k e1 m m : 2 cm. An arc AB drawn with 50 mm radius subtendsan angle of 45′ at the centre. Determine approximatelythe length of A8. Determine the length of the circumferenceof a 75 mm diameter circle2 2.

A point P is 25 mm from a lineA8. Q is a point in AB and is 50 mm from P. Draw a circle passing through P and touching AB at Q. The centre O of a circle of 30 mm diameter is 25 mm from a line A8. Construct an equilateral triangle ABC of 40 mm side. Two circles of 40 mm and 50 mm diameters have their centres 60 mm apart. Constructa regularpentagonof 30 mm side by three different methods 2 7.

On a line AB 40 mm long, construct a regular heptagon by two different methods. Construct a regular octagon of 40 mm side. Inscribe another octagoo with its corners on the mid-points of the sides of the first octagon2 9. Constructthe following regularpolygonsin circles of mm diameter, using a different method in each case: i Pentagon ii Heptagon. Draw the following regularfigures,the distancebetweentheir opposite sides being 75 mm: i Square; ii Hexagon; iii Octagon.

Construct a regular octagon in a square of 75 mm side. Describe a regular pentagon about a circle. Constructa trianglehavingsides25 mm,30 mm and 40 m m long Draw three circles,each touchingone of the sides and the two sides Droduced. Construct a regular heptagonof 25 mm side and inscribea circle in iL Construct a regular hexagonof 40 mm side and draw in it, six equd circles, each touching one side of the hexagonand two other circler Construct a square of 50 mm side and draw in it, four equal circles, each touching two adiacentsides and two other circles.

In a regular octagon of 40 mm side, draw four equal circles, each touching one side of the octagon and two other circles. Geometrical Construction gg 3 9. Two lines convergeto a point making an angle of Draw a circle to touch both the lines and pass through p.

Draw a series of four circles, each touching the preceding circle and two converging lines which make an angle of between them. A vertical straight line AB is at a distanceoI 90 mm from the centre of a circle of 75 mm diameter. A straight line pe passes through the centre of the circle and makes an ansle of Draw circles having their centres on pd and to touch the straight l i n e A B a n d t h e c i r c l e. I Frc. Construct a special spanneras shown in fig.

Hint: The method of drawinq curve is shown on left-hand side. Two shafts, cm apart are connected by flat belt. The flat belt pulleys of 30 cm diameter and 60 cm diameter are fixed on the shafts. Draw the arrangementand determine approximatelylength of the belt. Draw plan-view of a hexagonal nut of 20 mm using standard d i m e ns i ons. Introduction: The profile of number of objects consists of various types of curves. Conic sections Cycloidal curves lnvolute Evolutes Spirals Helix.

Conic sections: The sections obtained by the intersectionof a r i g h t c i r c u l a r cone by a plane in different positions relativeto the axis of the cone are called conics. Refer to fig. The fixed point is called the focus and the fixed line, the direcfrix. T6e point at which the conic cuts its axis called the vertex.

The ratio It was thought desirable to include this fourth chapter on ‘Computer Aided Drafting’ which has now acquired an important place in this subject. We are thankful to Or. Khandare of Y. College of Engineering, Nagpur for contributing this chapter. We are also highly obliged to Shri R.

French curves. Lines ‘it, Types of Lines. Drawing papers , , Drawing pencils Eraser Rubber. Drawing pins, Clips. Sand-paper block.. Duster , ,.. Placing of dimensions. Unit of dimensioning General rules for dimensioning. Practical hints on dimensioning Exercises Ill Scales on drawings. Bisecting a line. To draw perpendiculars To divide a line To divide a To bisect an To construct squares Regular polygons inscribed in circles. To draw regular figures using T-square’ and set-squares.

To draw tangemts. Circles and in contact. Logarithmic or equiangular spiral.. A four-bar mechanism Typical Problems. A point is situated in the first quadrant. A point is situated in the Line parallel to one or both the planes Line perpendicular to v,.

General conclusions 1 Traces. Types of solids Line contained by a plane perpendicular to both the reference planes ,. Distance points.. Measuring line. Typical problems of perspective projection Conversion of pictorial views into orthographic views Gonventional r ;Jifesentatlon of threads SP: Classic sctee:n layout of AutoCAD , Drawing Entities , Geometrical Modeling. It has been found in our research done over hundreds of students and dozens of colleges and universities that visualization IQ is lacking in different quantities among male and female students.

It is therefore necessary to aid learning process by use of high quality computer animations as a novel pedagogical concept. Methods of Drawing Non-lsometr. The accuracy of the drawings depends largely on the quality of instruments. With instruments of good quality, desirable accuracy can be attained with ease.

It is, therefore, essential to procure instruments of as superior quality as possible. Below is the list of minimum drawing instruments and other drawing materials which every student must possess: 1. Drawing board 2. T-square 3.

Drawing instrument box, containing: i Large-size compass with inter-changeable pencil and pen legs ii Lengthening bar iii Small bow compass iv Large-size divider v Small bow divider vi Small bow ink-pen vii Inking pen 5. Scales 6. Protractor 7. French curves 8. Drawing papers 9. Drawing pencils Sand-paper block Eraser Rubber Drawing pins, clips or adhesive tapes Duster Drafting machine We shall now describe each of the above in details with their uses: 2 Engineering [Ch.

Readers are requested to refer Presentation module 1 for Introduction of the subject and various drawing instruments. It is cleated at the back by two battens to prevent warping. One of the edges of the board is used as the working edge, on which the T-square is made to slide. It should, therefore, be perfectly straight. In some boards, this edge is grooved throughout its length and a perfectly straight ebony edge is fitted inside this groove.

This provides a true and more durable guide for the T-square to slide on. Its selection depends upon the size of the drawing paper to be used. The sizes of drawing boards recommended by the Bureau of Indian Standards IS are tabulated in table For use in schools and colleges, the last two sizes of the drawing boards are more convenient.

Large-size boards are used in drawing offices of engineers and engineering firms. The drawing board is placed on the table in front of the student, with its working edge on his left side.

It is more convenient if the table-top is sloping downwards towards the student. If such a table is not available, the necessary slope can be obtained by placing a suitable block of wood under the distant longer edge of the board.

A T-square is made up of hard-quality wood. It consists of two parts – the stock and the blade – joined together at right angles to each other by means of screws and pins. The stock is placed adjoining the working edge of the board and is made to slide on it as and when required. The blade lies on the surface of the board. Its distant edge which is generally bevelled, is used as the working edge and hence, it should be perfectly straight.

The nearer edge of the blade is never used. The length of the blade is selected so as to suit the size of the drawing board. Now-a-days T-square is also available of celluloid or plastic with engraved scale. Drawing Instruments and Their Uses Art. The stock of the T-square is held firmly with the left hand against the working edge of the board, and the line is drawn from left to right as shown in fig.

The pencil should be held slightly inclined in the direction of the line i. Horizontal parallel fines are drawn by sliding the stock to the desired positions. A pencil must be rotated while drawing lines for uniform wear of lead. The T-square should never be used on edge other than the working edge of the board. It should always be kept on the board even when not in use.

Turn the T-square upside down as shown by dashed lines and with the same edge, draw another line passing through the same two points. If the edge is defective the lines will not coincide. The error should be rectified by planing or sand-papering the defective edge. Those made of transparent celluloid or plastic are commonly used as they retain their shape and accuracy for a longer time. Two forms of set-squares are in general use.

A set-square is triangular in shape with one of the angle as right angle. Vertical lines can be drawn with the T-square and the set-square. To draw a fine perpendicular to a given horizontal line from a given point within it. The pencil point should always be in contact with the edge of the set-square. A perpendicular from any given point outside the FIG. Vertical parallel lines may be drawn by sliding the set-square along the edge of the T-square to the required positions.

Problem The lines can also be drawn by placing the FIG. A circle can similarly be divided into eight equal parts by lines passing through its centre fig.

A circle may be divided into twelve equal divisions in the same manner fig. A circle may thus be divided into 24 equal parts with the aid of the set-squares fig.

To draw a line parallel to a given straight line through a given point. The line AB and the point P are given fig. B ii Place the other set-square as a base for the first. CD is the required parallel line. By keeping the edge of the T-square as base for the set-square, parallel lines, long distances apart, can be drawn.

To draw a line perpendicular to a given line through a point within or outside it. The line PQ and the point Oare given fig. Method J: i Arrange the longest edge of one set-square along PQ. To draw a line parallel to a given straight line al a given distance, say 20 mrn from it fig. D Let AB be the given line. A FIG. It consists of two legs hinged together at its upper end. A pointed needle is fitted at the lower end of one leg, while a pencil lead is inserted at the end of the other leg.

The lower part of the pencil leg is detachable and it can be interchanged with a similar piece containing an inking pen. Both the legs are provided with knee joints. Circles upto about mm diameter can be drawn with the legs of the compass kept straight.

For drawing larger circles, both the legs should be bent at the knee joints so that they are perpendicular to the surface of the paper fig.

The setting of the pencil-lead relative to the needle, and the shape to which the lead should be ground are shown in fig. To draw a circle, adjust the opening of the legs of the compass to the required radius.

Hold the compass with the thumb and the first two fingers of the right hand and place the needle point lightly on the centre, with the help of the left hand. Bring the pencil point down on the paper and swing the compass about the needle-leg with a twist of the thumb and the two fingers, in clockwise..

The compass should be kept slightly inclined in the direction of its rotation. While drawing concentric circles, beginning should be made with the smallest circle.

The lower part of the pencil leg is detached and the lengthening bar is inserted in its place. The detached part is then fitted at the end of the lengthening bar, thu’s increasing the length of the pencil leg fig.

It is often necessary to guide the pencil leg with the other hand, while drawing large circles.



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