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Please note that since Reactable Systems has ceased operations the Reactable Live is not for sale anymore! Explore it and learn on the go.

Physical blocks and a multi-touch display make it direct and natural to control. All musical processes are visualized in real-time. Several people can play it simultaneously. Different modules for sound generation, effect processing, sequencing and control. Extendable effect and sound library. Easy to transport and set-up. Can withstand heavy usage by professional musicians on stage.

Compatible with your current and future live setup. HOW IT WORKS The way a Reactable works is deeply inspired by modular analogue synthesizers, such as those developed by Bob Moog, and brings them to a whole new level by adding completely new concepts of sampling and digital effects processing.

On the Reactable the modules are tangible objects placed on a multi-touch surface and identified by the computer through fiducials. They are managed automatically based on their types and affinities and on their proximity.

This allows an intuitive approach to sound creation and control and makes it easy to work with. The Reactable Live! Only by designing the hardware and software together could we create a completely new instrument that truly is a step ahead of anything else in the market.

Technical specifications. Reactable Live! S6 Table Structure Diameter: 85 cm S6 Structure Diameter: 90 cm Camera: USB 2.



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To create a data table, use reactable on a data frame or matrix. The table will be sortable and paginated by default:. Columns can be customized by providing a named list of column definitions created by colDef to columns :.

For convenience, you can also specify a default colDef to use for all columns in defaultColDef :. Tables are sortable by default. You can sort a column by clicking on its header, or sort multiple columns by holding the shift key while sorting.

Sorting toggles between ascending and descending order by reactable download per pc. To clear the sort, hold the shift key while sorting, and the sorting will additionally toggle between ascending, descending, and unsorted reactable download per pc. Note: Ascending order means the lowest, first, or earliest values will appear first.

Descending order means the largest, last, or latest values will appear first. You can set the default sorted columns by providing reactable download per pc vector of column names to defaultSorted :. You can also provide a named list to customize the default sort orders. Use “asc” for ascending order, or “desc” for descending order:. Columns are sorted in ascending order first by default. To change the default sort order for all columns in the table, set reactable download per pc in reactable to “asc” for ascending order, or “desc” for descending order.

To change the sort order of an individual column, set defaultSortOrder in its colDef to “asc” or “desc”. The default sort order of the column takes precedence over the table.

When only some columns are sortable, it can help to indicate reactable download per pc columns using showSortable :. This is only recommended when you want to use a custom sort indicator.

Column filtering can be customized using the filterMethod and filterInput arguments in colDef. See the Custom Filtering guide for more details and examples.

This example shows basic usage of a custom filter method, changing filtering on the Manufacturer column to be case-sensitive rather than case-insensitive. The table search method can be customized using the searchMethod argument in reactable. See the Custom Filtering guide for details and reactable download per pc.

You can also set the reactable download per pc rows per page using minRows. You can show a dropdown of page sizes for users to choose from using showPageSizeOptions. The page size options can be customized through pageSizeOptions :. By default, pagination is hidden if the table only has one page.

This is especially useful if you want to keep the page info showing привожу ссылку number of rows in the table. Tip: Disabling pagination is not recommended for large tables with many interactive elements such as links, expand buttons, or selection checkboxesas that can make it difficult for keyboard users to navigate the page.

When rows are grouped, you can aggregate data in a column using an reactable download per pc function:. Custom aggregate functions are useful when none of the built-in aggregate functions apply, or when you want to aggregate values from reactable download per pc columns.

For example, when calculating aggregate averages or percentages. Within a custom aggregate function, you reactable download per pc access the values in the column using the values argument, and the values in other columns using the rows argument:. By default, sub rows are excluded from pagination and always shown on the same page when expanded.

This is recommended for grouped tables with a large number of rows where expanded rows may not all fit on one page. You can format data in reactable download per pc column by providing colFormat options to the format argument in colDef.

This means, for example, that users will http://replace.me/21459.txt dates formatted in their own timezone or numbers formatted in their own locale. To use a specific locale for data formatting, provide a vector of BCP 47 language tags in the locales reactable download per pc. See a list of common BCP 47 language reactable download per pc for reference. Note: Column formatters change how data is displayed without affecting the underlying data.

Sorting, filtering, and grouping will still work on the original data. Column formatters apply to both standard and aggregated cells by default.

If you want to format aggregated cells separately, provide a named list of cell and aggregated options:. Missing values are ignored by formatters посетить страницу источник shown as empty cells by default.

You can customize their display text by setting na on a column:. If none reactable download per pc the built-in formatters apply to your data, you can use a custom cell renderer instead. You can customize how data is displayed using an R or JavaScript function that returns custom content. Note that all raw Ссылка на страницу is escaped by default.

See Custom Rendering for details on how to use render functions, and the Demo Cookbook for even more examples of custom rendering. Note: Custom rendering changes how data is displayed without affecting the underlying data.

You can pass arbitrary data from R to JavaScript render functions using the meta argument in reactable. Custom metadata can be accessed from JavaScript using the state. You can add column footers using the footer argument in colDef. See Custom Rendering to learn more about using custom render functions. You can make rows expandable with additional content through detailswhich takes an R or JavaScript render function. See Custom Rendering for details on how to use render functions.

The details column can be customized by reactable download per pc a colDef instead. This can be used to add a column name, render HTML content, or change the column width:. R render functions support conditional rendering. You can add details to individual columns, and even show multiple details for a row:. You can conditionally style a table using functions that return inline styles or CSS classes. Just like with custom rendering, style functions can either be in R or JavaScript.

See Conditional Styling for details on how to use style functions, and the Demo Cookbook for even more examples of conditional styling. You can pass arbitrary data from R to JavaScript style functions using the meta argument in reactable.

Long text is wrapped by default, but you can force text to fit on a single line by setting wrap to FALSE :. You can make tables reactable download per pc by setting a fixed height or width.

Headers and footers are sticky by default, so they stay in place when scrolling. By default, columns have a minimum width of px and stretch to fill the table. You can control the width of a column using the following arguments in colDef :.

When columns stretch, minWidth also controls the ratio at which columns grow. You can change the vertical alignment of cell content using the vAlign or headerVAlign arguments in colDef and colGroup. Possible options are “top” the default”center”and “bottom”. For more control over styling, you can add custom class names to the table and apply your own CSS:.

To learn more about adding custom CSS through an external style sheet:. Themes provide a powerful way reactable download per pc customize table http://replace.me/26888.txt that can be reused across tables. You can either set theme variables to change the default styles e. To apply a theme, provide a reactableTheme to theme :.

Themes can also be functions that return a reactableTheme for context-specific styling. You can create column groups by passing a list of colGroup definitions to columnGroups :. You can make columns sticky when scrolling horizontally using the sticky argument in colDef or colGroup. Set reactable download per pc to either “left” or “right” to make the column stick to the left or right side. Row names are shown by default if present. You can customize the row names column using “. Use this to help users navigate the table using assistive technologies.

When cells are marked up as row headers, assistive technologies will read them aloud while navigating through cells in the table. You can add cell click actions using the onClick argument, which accepts the following values:. Warning: Custom click actions are currently not accessible reactable download per pc keyboard users, and are generally not recommended. If they http://replace.me/26901.txt be used, ensure that they can be triggered by a keyboard through other means, such as a button in the example above.

You can customize the language in the table by providing a set of reactableLang options to language :. To set the default language strings for all tables, use the global reactable. To use reactable reactable download per pc Shiny apps, use renderReactable and reactableOutput :. You can enable row selection by setting selection to “single” for single selection, or “multiple” for multiple selection.

To get the selected rows in Shiny, use getReactableState. The selected rows are given as a vector of row indices e. You can style selected rows using rowSelectedStyle in reactableTheme :. You can update the selected rows, expanded rows, current page, or data using updateReactable :. You can get the current state of a table using getReactableState. By default, getReactableState returns a named list with the following values:.


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Custom filter methods and custom filter inputs let you change how filtering is done in reactable. By default, all filter inputs are text inputs that filter data using a case-insensitive text match, or for numeric columns, a prefix match. Column filter methods, table search methods, and column filter inputs can all be customized separately for flexibility. In some cases, you may want to keep the default filter input but change the filter method, or in other cases, vice versa.

Column filter methods can be customized using the filterMethod argument in colDef :. Each Row has the following properties:. Use this to access the cell value, like row. This will be a string when using the default filter inputs. The global table search method can be customized using the searchMethod argument in reactable :. Use this to access the cell values for the columns being searched, like row.

This will be a string when using the default search input. Column filter inputs are customized using the filterInput argument in colDef. Unlike custom rendering of other table elements, custom filter inputs must communicate back to the table on filtering changes, which can be tricky.

In many simpler cases, you can write your custom filter input in R and use Reactable. Note that the table must have a unique elementId to use Reactable. For more advanced customization, you can write your filter input entirely in JavaScript, using the React JavaScript library to create an element that gets and sets the filter value.

In reactable, JavaScript render functions can return React elements, and reactable comes with React as a dependency via the reactR package. For more information on React or using React from R, see the React documentation and reactR package documentation. Tip: Many column filter inputs do not have a visible text label, including the default text inputs. If your custom filter does not have a visible text label, be sure to give it an accessible name using the aria-label attribute or similar technique.

R render functions take up to 2 optional arguments — the column values and column name — and return the element to render. JavaScript render functions, wrapped in JS , take up to 2 optional arguments — a column object and a table state object — and return the element to render. This example shows basic usage of a custom filter method, changing filtering on the Manufacturer column to be case-sensitive rather than case-insensitive.

This example shows basic usage of a custom search method, changing global searching to be a case-sensitive text match on all columns. Note that some columns may be numeric or another non-string type, so you can use String to convert values to strings before calling string methods like indexOf.

This example shows how you can filter a numeric column based on a minimum value. Try filtering the Price column for This example shows how you can filter a column based on a regular expression pattern. Note that the regular expression is not escaped here — see regular expression escaping for an example of how to escape special characters in regular expressions.

This example uses the match-sorter JavaScript library to add fuzzy searching to a table. This also shows how you can create reusable search or filter methods that can be shared across multiple tables or columns.

This example also shows how you can create reusable filter inputs, or set default custom filters based on column type. The Price column is filtered by minimum value. This example shows how you can create custom filter inputs outside the table, using a more complex version of the range filter from above. This example shows how you can filter a column with logical values using an external checkbox input.

The data contains a lot of missing values, and we want a checkbox that allows you to show just the rows with missing values. This example shows how you could write your custom filter input entirely in JavaScript, using React. It renders a basic text input filter for the Manufacturer column. The min and max values of the column are found dynamically from state. The JavaScript code is embedded as a separate js language chunk to make it easier to work with.

Building the Twitter Followers Demo. Rmd custom-filtering. Arguments rows , an array of row objects. Length: 1. R render function R render functions take up to 2 optional arguments — the column values and column name — and return the element to render.

JavaScript render function JavaScript render functions, wrapped in JS , take up to 2 optional arguments — a column object and a table state object — and return the element to render. Length” column ID name “Petal Length” column display name filterValue “petal” column filter value setFilter function setFilter value: any function to set the column filter value set to undefined to clear the filter.

Length”] columns being hidden in the table. Examples Basic custom filter method This example shows basic usage of a custom filter method, changing filtering on the Manufacturer column to be case-sensitive rather than case-insensitive. Basic custom search method This example shows basic usage of a custom search method, changing global searching to be a case-sensitive text match on all columns.

Numeric value filtering This example shows how you can filter a numeric column based on a minimum value. Regular expression pattern filtering This example shows how you can filter a column based on a regular expression pattern. Fuzzy text searching This example uses the match-sorter JavaScript library to add fuzzy searching to a table. Include this anywhere in your document or app. External range filter This example shows how you can create custom filter inputs outside the table, using a more complex version of the range filter from above.

Filter by Minimum Price 7. External checkbox filter This example shows how you can filter a column with logical values using an external checkbox input. Basic custom filter input React This example shows how you could write your custom filter input entirely in JavaScript, using React.

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