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Listening – Practice for TOEFL iBT listening test with 15 mp3s.TOEFL® Listening: Conversation 1 : free practice test

This means that every time you visit this website you will need to enable or disable cookies again. Amira on February 21, at AM. Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. Today, basic education is considered a right and responsibility for all citizens. The different ways a shock hazard can affect the human body b. The professor explained how the Romance languages have evolved.


TOEFL Listening Practice – Better TOEFL Scores Blog

X-rays were not appreciated for the first few years after discovery c. That leaves us with D. To introduce the theories of other astronomers 2. The TOEFL listening practice in this blog post gives you practice listening to college-level lectures. Your notes will not be scored.


Toefl based listening exercises conversations free download.Listening for the TOEFL iBT


In addition, you will have access to a PDF listening script and answer key so that you can monitor your progress. Finally, you will learn specific listening tips and strategies. These helpful tips will prepare you for the listening passages on the listening, speaking, and writing sections of the exam. In addition, these tips will show you what to do during the TOEL exam. The listening section is minutes, and the longest passage is about five minutes long.

Therefore, you should practice listening to academic passages daily for about minutes. To make the most our of your listening preparation, consider the following tips:. In addition, some of the questions you see here will not appear on the listening section of the TOEFL test.

Nevertheless, completing these practice tests will give you excellent practice. In addition to answering the multiple choice questions, consider doing these suggested integrated speaking and integrated writing activities:. Number each answer from according to the most logical order of an upright wrestling match? Which of these Greek sports were the least applicable in training a soldier for war?

Click on two answers. Put them in the order in which they occurred, beginning with the earliest. Our download contains exactly the kinds of recordings you will hear on the actual test.

You will also have to listen to recordings as part of the speaking test and the writing exam. As you listen to the lectures in each part of the iBT, you can take notes on what you hear.

A supernova, but it is unclear how far it was from the Earth 2. To further explain what happens when a planet happens to be near a supernova b. To compare a supernova explosion to a violent neighborhood during wartime c. To prove that supernovas are destructive d. Why we need historical records to find out about supernova explosions d. Using historical records to figure out where a supernova explosion occurred 2.

What is implied by the professor about supernovas? Supernovas are only interesting to see once in a while b. They only happen once every thousand years c. It would be unlike anything else we observe in the present-day sky d.

What does the professor imply about black holes? They are mysterious and difficult to understand b. It is impossible to create an accurate theory to describe them c. Scientists have given up on trying to learn more about them since d. We should know more about black holes by now 2. To prove that a star dying is a major event b. To emphasize the intensity of gravity that causes the star to collapse c.

To show what happens when a star dies d. That leaves us with B. Since space can be rather abstract, astronomers often use familiar, earthly examples as analogies to help illustrate ideas about space. As an example, most of the stars in the constellation Orion form one of the nearest stellar associations. Associations also contain hundreds to thousands of low-mass stars, but these are much harder to see. The presence of really hot and bright stars indicates that star formation in the association has occurred in the last million years or so.

Since O stars, stars that are over a million times brighter than our own sun, go through their entire lives in only about a million years, they would not still be around unless star formation occurred recently. It is therefore not surprising that associations are found in regions rich in the gas and dust required to form new stars.

A and C similarly fit in with the main idea. Thus, we can first eliminate D. Transcript “Born in in India, Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar, known as Chandra to his friends and colleagues, grew up in a home that encouraged scholarship and an interest in science.

His uncle, C. Raman, was a physicist who won the Nobel Prize. A precocious student, Chandra tried to read as much as he could about the latest ideas in physics and astronomy, although obtaining technical books was not easy in India at the time.

He finished college at age 19 and won a scholarship to study in England. It was during the long boat voyage to get to graduate school that he first began doing calculations about the structure of white dwarf stars. Chandra developed his ideas during and after his studies as a graduate student, showing that white dwarfs with masses greater than 1. At a number of meetings of astronomers, such leaders in the field as Henry Norris Russell refused to give Chandra the opportunity to defend his ideas, while allowing his more senior critics lots of time to criticize them.

Yet Chandra persevered, writing books and articles about his theories, which turned out not only to be correct, but to lay the foundation for much of our modern understanding of the death of stars. In , he received the Nobel Prize in physics for this early work. D may look correct, but it’s wrong because this excerpt is not intended to explain the difference between lives on other planets but just to compare how chance plays a role on survival both on Earth and in space.

Transcript “A supernova is, basically, when a star explodes. It occurs during the last stage of a star’s life, and usually only occurs in large stars like white dwarfs. While these stellar explosions may appear beautiful to spectators on earth, they also have terrible consequences for nearby stars and planets. Suppose a life form has the misfortune to develop around a star that happens to lie near a massive star destined to become a supernova.

Life may well have formed around a number of pleasantly stable stars only to be wiped out because a massive nearby star suddenly went supernova. Just as children born in a war zone may find themselves the unjust victims of their violent neighborhood, life too close to a star that goes supernova may fall prey to having been born in the wrong place at the wrong time. What is a safe distance to be from a supernova explosion? A lot depends on the violence of the particular explosion, what type of supernova it is and what level of destruction we are willing to accept.

Calculations suggest that a supernova less than 50 light-years away from us would certainly end all life on Earth, and that even one light-years away would have drastic consequences for the radiation levels here. One minor extinction of sea creatures about 2 million years ago on Earth may actually have been caused by a supernova at a distance of about light-years.

The good news is that there are at present no massive stars that promise to become supernova within 50 light years of the Sun. D main idea There is no information about the importance of supernovas, so we can eliminate B. A, C and D all seem like possible correct answers, because they all mention something about history and supernovas.

D is the best answer because the professor discusses how historical records can be used to try to figure out when supernova explosions occurred. Transcript “Although many supernova explosions in our own Galaxy have gone unnoticed, a few were so spectacular that they were clearly seen and recorded by sky watchers and historians at the time.

We can use these records, going back two thousand years, to help us pinpoint where the exploding stars were and thus where to look for their remnants today. The most dramatic supernova was observed in the year It appeared in May as a brilliant point of light visible during the daytime, perhaps times brighter than the planet Venus. It was bright enough to cast shadows on the ground during the night and was recorded with amazement and fear by observers all over Europe and Asia.

No one had seen anything like it before. Astronomers David Clark and Richard Stephenson have looked through records from around the world to find more than 20 reports of the supernova. This has allowed them to determine with some accuracy where in the sky the explosion occurred. They place it in the modern constellation of Lupus; at roughly the position they have determined, we find a supernova remnant, now quite faint.

From the way its materials are expanding, it indeed appears to be about years old. They are strange, mysterious, and difficult to understand. Therefore, unlike anything else. Transcript “Most stars end their lives as stars known as white dwarfs or neutron stars. When a very massive star ends its life, not even the repulsion between densely packed neutrons can support the core against its own weight.

Gravity simply overwhelms all other forces and crushes the middle of the star until it occupies a small area. A star in which this occurs may become one of the strangest objects ever predicted by theory—a black hole. To understand what a black hole is like and how it influences its surroundings, we need a theory that can describe the action of gravity under such extreme circumstances.

To date, our best theory of gravity is the general theory of relativity, which was put forward in by Albert Einstein. How vaporization and condensation function in equilibrium b. Characteristics of equilibriums c. The difference between condensation and vaporization d. The effects of vapor pressure on equilibrium 2. What is the definition of condensation?

The process of gas molecules colliding in a closed container b. The process in which molecules change from the gas phase to the liquid phase c. The process in which vapor finds an equilibrium in a closed container d. How to avoid decompression sickness b. The pressure changes and possible effects one might experience while diving c. Which gases are soluble in water d. Scuba diving and the effects of changing depths at a rapid pace 2. The diver will die b.

Why does the professor discuss putting lemon or vinegar on fish? To explain what happens in a chemical reaction b. To describe the pickling process c. To provide an example of how we can use acids in cooking d. To show that lemon or vinegar makes fish taste better 2. What is implied about pickling from the lecture? Pickling is a complicated process b.

Pickling is a useful way to make vegetables last longer c. Pickling makes vegetables taste much better d. Why does the professor discuss tooth decay? To describe how to prevent tooth decay b. To discuss the importance of taking care of your teeth d. To provide an example of how we can control a certain type of equilibrium 2. To explain different types of equilibriums between an ionic solid and an aqueous solution of its ions b. To prove that there are many instances in which an ionic solid is in equilibrium with an aqueous solution of its ions c.

To give examples of what the students can do with the information in this lecture d. What is the professor mainly discussing? The negative effects of consuming excess fluoride b. The different levels of fluoride in water among different countries c. Why the US has a limit on fluoride in drinking water d. The negative effects of under-fluoridated water in other countries 2.

What does the professor imply about fluoride? We should avoid drinking groundwater unless the fluoride levels are regulated c. Exposure to excess fluoride comes with much more negative effects than benefits d. Vapor pressure is never mentioned, eliminating D. Likewise, for B, equilibriums are mentioned about halfway through, but this is merely to describe the situation that is going on.

Thus, A is the correct answer. As these gas phase molecules move randomly about, they will occasionally collide with the surface of molecules of the condensed phase, and in some cases, these collisions will result in the molecules re-entering the condensed phase.

The change from the gas phase to the liquid is called condensation. When the rate of condensation becomes equal to the rate of vaporization, neither the amount of the liquid nor the amount of the vapor in the container changes. The vapor in the container is then said to be in equilibrium with the liquid. Keep in mind that this is not a static situation, as molecules are continually exchanged between the condensed and gaseous phases.

A and D are more like smaller parts to the whole lecture whereas B portrays the entire story. In addition to the pressure exerted by the atmosphere, divers are subjected to additional pressure due to the water above them.

Therefore, the air inhaled by a diver while submerged contains gases that exist at higher levels of pressure within the water, and these gases dissolve into the diver’s blood. As the diver ascends to the surface of the water, the pressure of the water decreases.

To avoid decompression sickness, divers must ascend from depths at relatively slow speeds, about 10 or 20 meters per minute, or otherwise make several decompression stops, pausing for several minutes at given depths during the ascent.

The main idea of the lecture is to discuss how chemistry can be used in cooking, and in particular acid-base chemistry. The professor discusses putting lemon or vinegar on fish because this is an example of acid-base chemistry in cooking. In addition, we can eliminate D because there is no indication that pickling does harm to vegetables, rather it kills the harmful bacteria that may be on the vegetables.

Transcript “Cooking is essentially synthetic chemistry that happens to be safe to eat. There are a number of examples of acid-base chemistry in the culinary world. One example is putting lemon juice or vinegar, both of which are acids, on cooked fish. It turns out that fish have volatile amines in their systems, which are neutralized by the acidic lemon or vinegar.

Pickling is a method of preserving vegetables using a naturally produced acidic environment. The vegetable, such as a cucumber, is placed in a sealed jar submerged in a brine solution. The brine solution favors the growth of beneficial bacteria and suppresses the growth of harmful bacteria. The beneficial bacteria feed on starches in the cucumber and produce lactic acid as a waste product in a process called fermentation.

The lactic acid eventually increases the acidity of the brine to a level that kills any harmful bacteria. Without the harmful bacteria consuming the cucumbers they are able to last much longer than if they were unprotected. The pickling process ultimately changes the flavor of the vegetables, making them taste sour. A, B, and C all have nothing to do with the main idea. D is the only possible answer that relates back to the main idea.

It is actually the very first thing the professor says, so we can eliminate C and B. This is because B and C would make more sense if other information had come before this bit that the professor said. We can also eliminate A because the professor is not explaining anything, rather just listing different types of examples.

Now, I know that sounds rather complicated, but let me explain: In some cases, we want to prevent dissolution from occurring.

Tooth decay, for example, occurs when the calcium in our teeth dissolves. The dissolution process is aided when bacteria in our mouth feasts on the sugars in our diets to produce lactic acid, which reacts with calcium.

Preventing this dissolution prevents tooth decay. On the other hand, sometimes we want a substance to dissolve. We want the calcium carbonate in a chewable antacid, the kind you may take when you have a stomachache, we want this antacid to dissolve because the ions produced in this process help soothe an upset stomach.

We can also eliminate B and C because they are very specific to aspects of the lecture, but A is the only answer that encompasses the whole discussion. Transcript “Scientists discovered that naturally fluorinated water could be beneficial to your teeth, and so it became common practice to add fluoride to drinking water.

Toothpastes and mouthwashes also contain amounts of fluoride. Unfortunately, excess fluoride can negate its advantages. Natural sources of drinking water in various parts of the world have varying concentrations of fluoride, and places where that concentration is high are prone to certain health risks when there is no other source of drinking water. The most serious side effect of excess fluoride is the bone disease, skeletal fluorosis.

When excess fluoride is in the body, it can cause the joints to stiffen and the bones to thicken. It can severely impact mobility and can negatively affect the thyroid gland.

Skeletal fluorosis is a condition that over 2. Why does the professor discuss people from the United States? To describe the concept of cognitive dissonance using a relevant sample population b. To give an example of a positive motivator of human behavior c. To prove that people in the United States think highly of themselves d. To describe what happens when we experience conflict in our beliefs 2. To further explain the concept of cognitive dissonance b.

To prove that cognitive dissonance exists c. To prove that cognitive dissonance causes discomfort d. How did Freedman and Fraser demonstrate the foot-in-the-door technique? By observing teens asking for something small, then later making a larger request b. By observing that participants who would agree to place a small sign in their yard who would later agree to put a larger sign in their yard c.

By convincing people to buy additional features when purchasing a car d. By suggesting people to buy more expensive data plans for their new phones 2. To ask the students if they know how to sell an expensive product b. To emphasize that foot-in-the-door technique is used to sell expensive products c.

To show the students he is not completely sure how to use the technique d. Why does the professor mention the Asch conformity studies? To provide an example of what normative social influence is b. To prove that normative social influence is stronger that informational c. To change the topic to research studies d. To show what happens when both normative and informational social influence exist 2. Hostile Aggression Instrumental Aggression Motivated by achieving a goal There is usually intent to cause pain Typical in women 2.

What is implied when the professor says this? There is not just correct one theory to explain the existence of aggression b. Aggression has evolved over time c. Researchers often argue on the correct theory d. In reality, you have about 30 seconds to answer each question in the allotted amount of time.

Since August it takes minutes and has questions. After you have mastered answering in less than 60 seconds, try to do it in less than 45 seconds. This will help you sharpen your skills and reduce your anxiety about the clock on test day. Focus on improving your listening skills first, then worry about time. For those of you who are ready to jump in and get started, here is your listening practice questions.

How can I improve my listening and reading scores? Hi there Tanpreet and thank you for your question. This is hard to answer of course because it depends on the student, your history, and your goals. If you still need help, you might want to consider a trial lesson with a TOEFL teacher so he can give you more personalized advice. Hello, listening materials are only training me for shorter audios while the actual exam has longer audio tracks, adding that kind of content would be beneficial for us is think.

Hi there Shaik and thank you for the comment. We provide a free practice test n our site and a few free listening practice tests on our Youtube channel as well so you can practice with longer examples. We also have an additional set of 10 complete practice tests for purchase on our store page if you need more.

Thank you so much for helping me! I wanna thank you again. I think the hardest part for me is remembering. Any tips on making dull lectures less yawn-worthy? Ha, good question. I have some longer lectures about this in the score builder program but the basic gist is to have a goal while you listen.

For example, you may want to write down at least 20 words of notes or you want to identify the main idea or you want to write down at least one example the teacher mentions.

None of this is very exciting, but when you start listening with a goal in mind rather than just trying to understand everything, you are usually more focused.

I hope that helps. Hi, is someone here? I just want to check if this works. Also, I would like to verify my answer about the 5 passages already listened to above. Thanks a lot. Hi there Pascual, and yes, I read and respond to pretty much every comment. If you are looking for answers, you can download the accompanying PDF you will find a link somewhere on this page , and you can check your answers there. Thank you for the practice questions along with the tips.

Is there any way to do so? If yes please let me know about the procedure. Thanks in advance! Hi Fatima, and thank you for your kind words.

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