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The best free PC games: November | PC Gamer – Download Alone In The Dark

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Download extras files Manual available. It’s an action game, set in a horror, survival horror, interwar, haunted house and puzzle elements themes, and was also released on 3DO, FM Towns and PC CBT -5 points. This isn’t abandonware? I thought it was at one point since it’s on my PC Should I delete it now?? Hank 0 point. I remember this was my first dos game i ever did play Had to have that little blue book played hours on end n lover the sound effects.

Sergei 2 points DOS version. Oh, gosh, I remember playing this game back on my with 5. I believe there was a total of five in the whole set. It was one of the last games to ever exist on floppies as CD-ROM’s have well taken over but my family was poor and I was damned lucky to get the computer. Andy 2 points DOS version.

Justin -1 point DOS version. Hey guys, if you’re having trouble playing the game due to copy protection, basically the game shuts itself off once you’re past the intro sequence because you didn’t input the correct combination of images then Right-click the game on the D-Fend menu or what have you and say “Edit. Mine cuts off after she walks up the stairs any ideals? Emrock 0 point DOS version. Shawnna 0 point DOS version. Vesania -1 point DOS version. Tiger 0 point DOS version.

The original Alone in the Dark trilogy was amazing. I still actually have the original games, which I’m proud of. Both 1 and 2 I have the original boxes, diskettes, manuals, and the little extras that came with them. I also have the CD version of both 1 and 2 which had a slightly better version of the soundtrack. LOVE these games! Amaro 0 point DOS version. Win 3. Gus 0 point DOS version. I need to play this. Theo -1 point DOS version.

Theo 0 point DOS version. Best horror game ever. To bad this version requires the manual which i cant find, its like ALOT of years since i bought it FatRod 0 point DOS version. Xifihas 0 point DOS version. Some people say survival horror got started with Resident Evil. Those people are morons. This is where it all came from and if you ask me, it’s still the best one.

English 0 point DOS version. Deagon 0 point DOS version. Oh man, i still have the floppies for this but no drive. So glad you guys have it for download. I got an epic craving to play the whole series again. McKellar 0 point DOS version. Oh man! I was weaned on this game! I am stoked that you guys have it on here! I cannot wait to play this one! Share your gamer memories, give useful links or comment anything you’d like. This game is no longer abandonware, we won’t put it back online.

Alone in the Dark is available for a small price on the following website, and is no longer abandonware. You can read our online store guide.

Some of these file may not be included in the game stores. For Alone in the Dark, we have the following files:. MyAbandonware More than old games to download for free! Browse By Buy Game GOG. See older comments Write a comment Share your gamer memories, give useful links or comment anything you’d like.

Send comment. Buy Alone in the Dark Alone in the Dark is available for a small price on the following website, and is no longer abandonware. Buy on GOG. Game Extras and Resources Some of these file may not be included in the game stores.

Developer: Infogrames Multimedia SA. Follow Us! Monthly Newsletter. Top downloads. List of top downloads. Latest releases. List of new games here Follow us on Facebook or Twitter. Screenshots needed. Read our screenshot tutorial. Fully supported on 0.


Download game alone in the dark untuk pc


Everything starts with an ‘A’. This isn’t strictly true but it sounds appropriate when you want to talk about an Artful, Atmospheric Adventure game. Not a Jackie Collins ‘Old-rich-tarts-get-shag-off-young-execs’ type of good book, but an eerie horror-stroke-thriller, nail-biter of the Edgar Allan Poe kind.

And better than a book, it was graphic and interactive: the mix between puzzle solving and arcade action was excellent and the animation was startling. Although many games have harnessed these qualities, the difference with Alone In The Dark was atmosphere, a word much bandied about at the time.

This was due to the spooky context-sensitive music, the vector-based graphics that gave the figures their odd angular features, the story which lent such depth to the characters and the old House On The Hill location in which it all took place. This atmosphere consumed the player, and when the car pulled away with the hero in the final scene, there was that mixed feeling of satisfaction and a deep regret that it had to end.

And similarly, when you finish a novel by a favourite author and you know they are going to take at least a year to finish their next work, a kind of emptiness sets in.

Well, finally that emptiness can be quashed as the most eagerly-awaited adventure game sequel, Alone In The Dark 2 is winging its way to the stores as you read this. I won’t waste any more of your time on over-long intros. I know everyone wants to know ‘Is it as good as the first? Infogrames’ programming and scripting team has been very busy indeed over the last 12 months, adding extra depth of gameplay it is now twice as large and sprucing up the graphics and game engine of what was surely the classic game of But before we get into the wealth of improvements, let’s start with the plot.

Scriptwriter Hubert Chardot had more than a mouthful of croissant to chew in tackling this sequel. For the uninitiated, Alone 1 was loosely based on the work of occult writer, H. Lovecraft whose spooky stories also form the basis of Infogrames’ other chart-topping adventure classic, Shadow Of The Comet. This gave rise to the creation of a house brimming with ghoulies and ghosties, pentangles and goggle-eyed monsters.

Alone 2 continues with the occult theme, but this time it’s all caught up in voodoo. The monster element is made up of a motley crew of 18th century pirates who made a pact with a voodoo witch in exchange for immortality. Still alive and kicking in , the pirate leader, One Eyed Jack, and his henchmen are continuing their villainy in s-style as bootleggers.

All operations are run from Jack’s mansion, Hell’s Kitchen, off the coast of California. A lot of infamous racketeers were up to this sort of stuff during Prohibition and for anyone who was not a raving Bible basher, illegally selling alcohol was not the most heinous crime of the century.

This raises the evil crime stakes slightly and gives good reason for the extreme violence that is about to follow. This is the premise of Alone 2. You play Private Investigator Edward Carnby the same character as Alone 1 who gets a note from his pal, Striker, telling him that a young girl, Gracd Saunders, has been kidnapped and is being holed up at Hell’s Kitchen. Alone 2 turns the strategy of its predecessor on its head. Instead of starting off in the house, finding a way to destroy it and getting the hell out, Carnby now needs to break in and rescue the girl.

Surviving long enough to achieve this aim is the difficult bit. The house is heavily guarded by zombie pirates who, in the s setting, have shed their swashbuckling image for long overcoats, trilbies and pump-action shotguns. These are cocky, arrogant Anglo-Italian gangsters of the Untouchables era but, like any King of Crime’s cronies, they’re patsies really. Your job as Carnby is to find the correct way to mow down or avoid these muthas wherever possible.

Some can simply be blown away; others need special attention. As with Alone 1, the characterisations are intense.

Infogrames doesn’t just throw characters into a game without explaining their motivations. The leader of the pack, One Eyed Jack, and the black witch, Elizabeth Jarrett, also reveal their life-stories in a series of flashbacks which in the disk-based game appear as a set of 2D stills, although it is rumoured that in the cd-rom version these will be full animations.

The most startling difference in gameplay is in the choice of characters. Alone 1 gave the choice of playing as Carnby or Emily Hartwood for the womanly interest.

Alone 2 gives no option, Carnby is the only ace in the deck. But the turning point comes when you are captured and start to direct little Grace, the girl kidnapped by One Eyed Jack. Grace is the only hope of survival and her mission is to find a way to free Carnby. This offers a new dimension to the gameplay as the too-too cute Grace can’t perform the adult macho moves of Carnby and the game switches to a hilarious extended version of hide and seek between this gorgeous animated toddler and the ferocious zombies see boxout on Grace vs Emily Hartwood.

Comedy plays a big part in Alone 2, from waddling chubby chefs and drunken ballerinas to Grace’s teddy bear. But you’ll have to discover them for yourself as some of the funniest scenes are in the solutions to the puzzles. One of the aspects which would have sold this game, had it been out before Christmas, is the Santa Claus suit. At a certain point in the game Carnby finds a Big Red Suit. By putting this on, some of the zombies will not attack you. Because they’re big kids at heart and still believe in Father Christmas.

Alone 2 is also stacked with film references – you find out that Eliot Ness has been on the tail of One Eyed Jack and that the new head of police for San Francisco is one Lieutenant Callaghan, otherwise known as Crazy Harry aka Dirty Harry.

Twin Peaks. And as One Eyed Jack is also an inveterate gambler, surely this is more than just a mere coincidence. Despite all my glowing praise for Alone 1, it did have its faults. It ran slowly and experienced puzzle-solvers felt it was a few puzzles short of the full shilling. Both problems have been eradicated in Alone 2. Fine tuning the game engine has made it run up to three times faster, and a substantial increase in size means the gamemap now includes a house, its environs and a pirate’s ship.

The speed is most notable on Alone Vs most irritating flaw, taking a trip up the apples and pairs. Old Edward Carnby or Emily Hartwood would do a painfully slow glide up or down stairs, best described as a zimmer-ffame shuffle. New Edward Carnby bounds up the stairways in proper, healthy, manly strides. Even with an increase in size at one point Infogrames thought the game was becoming so big they were going to split it into two instalments , Alone 2 has lost none of its prequel’s tension.

More rooms to explore equates to more dangers to encounter. And at no point do you feel the luxury of space. Each new environment from the maze to the ship is tight and claustrophobic, with dark corners that hide a cornucopia of nasties that will blast away at you at the drop of a hat. The improved speed has also allowed Infogrames’ programmers to place more characters on screen simultaneously, so when blindly wandering around a corner you could run into up to five assailants.

This has placed a premium on saving life points and bullets as five Tommy-gun toting gangsters cannot be fought off with a rolling pin. The extended gamemap has enabled more complex puzzles to be set as some objects may need to be gathered very early on for use a lot, lot later.

Infogrames has also thought out the puzzlesolving element well, and all solutions make perfect sense. All answers are firmly planted under your nose so that when you finally solve the puzzle you feel a complete nonce for not sussing it out earlier. Infogrames knew full well that the acclaim garnered by their first creation was largely due to the atmosphere, and the improved game engine has allowed them to bolster the graphics considerably.

Faces are more expressive, Carnby has many more moves and can even get pissed and reel around like an idiot; Grace has a completely different set of actions and villains don’t just go up in puffballs anymore when you kill them, but can drop to their knees and keel over, slip over and get stuck in sticky substances. But the biggest atmosphere enhancer is the movement of 2D graphics behind and in front of the three dimensional action.

This is rather unusual in a 3D game and the creepy movement of spiders, snakes and rats around you all adds tension to the spooky surroundings.

If you’ve played Alone 1, then I’m preaching to the converted; if you haven’t, then I strongly urge you to buy both and play them in order. I’m not saying this because Infogrames is my best mate and sent me a case of brie and Beaujolais before I did this review – the truth is that Alone 2 is simply the best game in the adventure genre that you can buy. As PC was launched after the release of Alone 1, we never reviewed it. This has to be a good thing, as if I had rated it back then it wotild surely have been a classic and had a score of about Judging by this, the improvements in Alone 2, while keeping all of the original’s atmosphere and enthralling storyline, means I have to give this one When games are already in this bracket, extra points are much harder to come by, so the problem comes when Infogrames release Alone In The Dark 3 in the pipeline for next year and will probably be set in a Wild West ghost town.

Don’t improve on it too much boys, as we’ll have to invent a totally new scoring system. Christmas Eve and washed-up private dick, Edward Camby wasn’t feeling full of I goodwill. The telegram from Striker dropped on his doormat two days ago. Striker, a big man, not more than six feet tall and not wider than a beer truck, was convinced One Eyed Jack had kidnapped the Saunders girl. He was going up to Jack’s coastal mansion to investigate. He hadn’t been seen since. If there’s one thing that turned Carnby’s guts it was folk messing with children.

Clutching his. Jack and his cronies would get more than a sackful of presents down the chimney this Christmas. Carnby knew how to make an entrance. The sentry degenerate pulled the short straw. His Yuletide surprise came unwrapped and blew up in his face. But Carnby spent his life mixing it with this kind of unearthly low-life. Experience showed green fellas don’t take a pounding lying down. Ringing the bell on One Eyed Jack’s door is no way to die of old age.

World-weary Carnby ducked into the maze. But this was no Hampton Court. Behind every bush there was a zombie in a crombie packing a pump-action shotgun. Cocksure, the crones introduced themselves with a medium-pitched ‘Good Morning Sir’.

This was the clarion call to unload a heap full of Thompson shrapnel into their breasts. Tommy Guns make the grade but extra cartridges are sparse – don’t waste ’em. The maze had more twists than a scenic railway but lady luck rolled a seven for Carnby. He stumbled across a card deck.


Download game alone in the dark untuk pc.Alone in the Dark Download (1992 Action adventure Game)

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