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PavelWolfovich KeDenly BrianPlult Proxysiz Karlskero Fredacesk Pamelajar RosemaryInSog AAecknx SarDenly Alfonsosah VivianKnits LoliteAdjub JasonBus Larrywom Sherrynah We must be creative in teaching young children and in providing the support that they and their families need. New Competency Builder boxes and more strategies, guidelines, and examples have also been added to this edition.

Seven core themes are integrated throughout the text and provide a framework for understanding and implementing all that early childhood education encompasses. What does it mean to be a practicing early childhood professional today? This text answers this question and helps you become a highquality professional.

In addition, two core attributes of professional practice, collaboration and advocacy, are highlighted throughout the text. The Voice from the Field and Program in Action accounts that appear in nearly every chapter illustrate how early childhood teachers dedicate themselves to helping children learn, grow, and develop to their full potential and to helping parents, families, and communities build strong educational programs.

This text helps you understand how teachers and programs translate theories of learning and educating young children into practice. The Voice from the Field, Program in Action, Diversity Tie-In, and new Competency Builder features provide real-life insights into how teachers in programs across the United States apply early childhood theories, knowledge, and skills to their everyday practices.

You will read firsthand about professional colleagues who make theories come alive in concrete ways that truly help children succeed in school and life.

This tenth edition is a book for the twenty-first century. The information it contains is timely and reflective of the latest trends and research. Every chapter has been thoroughly revised to reflect changes in the field. I take great pride in ensuring that you and other professionals are well versed in the current state of early childhood education.

Early Childhood Education Today is a contemporary text, written and designed for contemporary teachers in these contemporary times. The theme of developmentally appropriate practice, which is integrated throughout every chapter of this text, is the solid foundation for all early childhood practice.

It is important for you to understand developmentally appropriate practice and become familiar with ways to implement it in your teaching. With all the reforms and changes occurring in the field, your goal is to ensure that all you do is appropriate for all children and their families. Technological and information literacy is essential for living and working in contemporary society.

This tenth edition provides you and your colleagues with the knowledge and competencies you need to integrate technology effectively into a curriculum and to use new teaching and learning styles enabled by technology. And included at the end of each chapter is a Linking to Learning section, which provides an annotated list of websites to support your use of the Internet and new technologies as sources of professional growth and development.

The United States is a nation of diverse people, and this diversity is reflected in every early childhood classroom and program. You and your colleagues must have the knowledge and sensitivity to teach all students well, and you must understand how culture, language, socioeconomic status, and gender influence teaching and learning.

Examples of this can be seen on sample pages 11, 19, 21, 27, and 31, which examine the coverage of diversity in well-known program approaches. The theme of diversity is further emphasized by the inclusion in every chapter of a Diversity Tie-In feature, which focuses on issues of diversity, promotes reflection, and shows you how to provide for the diverse needs of all children.

Collaboration is in; solo practice is out! Today, teaching is not an isolated endeavor; successful partnerships at all levels are essential for effective teaching and learning. Early Childhood Education Settings and Approaches contains eight very current, multicultural videos, running seven to nine minutes each and focusing on: In the Montessori segment of the DVD, observe the sensory materials and experiences that the children engage in.

In addition, segment clips with observation and application suggestions appear in the margins of all of the chapters, as you see here. These video clips and captions point you to specific scenes in the DVD to help you understand how chapter concepts are practiced in real programs.

Examples can be seen on sample pages 6, 8, 15, 19, 22, and Seeing in action what you read about in the text and reflecting on what you observe can help you to understand what it is actually like to work with children of different ages and cultures in different types of classrooms.

Competency Builders. At the same time, early childhood is a unique developmental period, one that should be respected, with every teacher interacting with every child in developmentally and culturally appropriate ways. In response to this need, a new feature, Competency Builder, is included in most chapters to show you in detail how to be a competent teacher in the areas that early childhood education professionals say are the most important.

Examples are on sample pages 28 and 29 and 34 and A list of all of the Competency Builders in the book is on Special Features page xxiv. These explicit steps will be useful to you in your practicum or student teaching experience and throughout your teaching career. Studying these features and this text will also help you to pass your certification, state licensure exam, or the PRAXIS.

In-Text Strategies and Applications. One example is on page 7 in these sample pages; others are in the examples shown below. Studying these applications will help you to become a competent professional. One of the hallmarks of this edition of Early Childhood Education Today is its practical nature and its ability to translate theory into practice. A Program in Action in nearly every chapter enables you to experience actual programs designed for children in real-life classrooms and early childhood settings throughout the United States.

These real examples enable you to explore the best practices of early childhood education. They also spotlight current topics such as early education, family literacy, multiage and bilingual classrooms, technology applied to learning, inclusion, and early intervention. You will find examples of this feature on sample pages 12, 16, 23, and Voice from the Field features allow practicing teachers to explain to you their philosophies, beliefs, and program practices. These teachers mentor you as they relate how they practice early childhood education.

Among the contributors are teachers who have received prestigious awards. You will find an example of this feature on page 28 in these sample pages. You will need to honor, respect, and provide for the needs of all children, regardless of their culture, language, socioeconomic background, gender, or race.

You will also need to be thoughtful about integrating multiculturalism and diversity into your teaching. The Diversity Tie-In in every chapter is designed to introduce you to a topic or issue of diversity you might not have thought about and to encourage you to address it in a way you might not have considered.

An example of this feature is on sample pages 34 and In a text about children, it is sometimes easy to think about them in the abstract. The Portraits of Children found in chapters 9, 10, 11, 12, and 16 are designed to ensure that we consider children as individuals as we discuss how to teach them.

The Portraits of Children are snapshots of children from all cultures and backgrounds, enrolled in real child care, preschool, and primary-grade programs across the United States.

Planning for teaching and learning constitutes an important dimension of your role as a professional. This is especially true today, with the emphasis on ensuring that children learn what is mandated by state standards. The lesson plans in this text let you look over the shoulder of experienced teachers and observe how they plan for instruction. Award-winning teachers share with you how they plan to ensure that their children will learn important knowledge and skills.

In addition, Competency Builders in chapters 9, 10, 11, and 12 discuss the specific competencies necessary to effectively plan learning activities or lessons for infants and toddlers, preschoolers, kindergartners, and primary-grade students, respectively. Keeping track of important key terms is a problem often associated with reading and studying. Key terms and concepts are defined here as they are presented and are also placed in page margins. In this way, you have immediate access to them for reflection and review, and they maximize your study time by helping you retain essential knowledge.

A glossary of terms at the end of the book incorporates all of the definitions and terms found in the margin notes. The glossary provides a quick and useful reference for study and reflection. Web resources and URLs appear throughout the text, and margin notes cue you to many additional resources, such as projects, self-assessments, and other learning activities found on the Companion Website for this text, located at www.

These links enrich and extend your learning. In addition, at the end of each chapter is a Linking to Learning section, which provides a list of annotated Web addresses for further research, study, and reflection.

A new DVD, Early Childhood Education Settings and Approaches, accompanies each copy of the tenth edition so that students can refer to it over and over again. The DVD shows current model programs in multicultural classrooms operated by outstanding teachers and administrators. The DVD takes you inside programs to experience firsthand how teachers interact with young children and to observe the materials, environments, curriculum, and routines of each setting and program.

DVD margin notes appear many times in every chapter. These notes show a frame from the DVD and include questions and comments that encourage you to observe the scene and relate what you see to chapter content.

In this way you can read the text, view the DVD, reflect on what you observe, and be better prepared to apply theory to practice. Reviewers of the previous edition suggested expanding coverage of curriculum planning and classroom curriculum ideas and activities for the developmental chapters 9 to In response, lesson plans now include helpful tips supporting students who are learning to write lesson plans, several Competency Builders focus on creating lesson plans, and practical and usable lists of curriculum tips and strategies are included in every chapter.

These tips give you a professional tool kit to take into classrooms and other early childhood settings so that you can immediately teach with confidence and help children learn. The Ethical Dilemmas found at the end of every chapter cut to the heart of professional practice. The dilemmas are real scenarios relating to real-life professional practice issues that you will encounter throughout your career.

These dilemmas challenge you to think, reflect, and make decisions about children, families, and colleagues. As a result, you will grow in your ability to be a fully practicing professional. You can see an example of this feature on sample page These features are just what their name implies; they are designed to build your competence and confidence in performing essential teaching tasks.

In early childhood course work, students are increasingly required to demonstrate competency in key areas. Competency Builders have step-by-step guidelines or strategies and provide explicit details that enable you to do key professional tasks expected of early childhood teachers. The Competency Builders are user friendly and can be applied to your professional practice now. In certain cases, they can help you apply state and local standards to practice.

You can see examples of these on sample pages 23, 24, 26, 29, 32, and Many contributors from around the country have provided classroom or center photographs, such as the A. Chapter 1 is once again entirely devoted to professional practice and sets the tone and context for the entire text. You can also recognize that your own professional development is an ongoing responsibility and a necessary part of helping children grow and develop as happily and successfully as possible. This chapter is extensively revised and is designed to place professional practice at the heart of being a good teacher.

It helps you engage in professional and ethical practice and sets the tone for what being an early childhood professional is all about. Chapter content encourages you to use professional practice as the compass for all you do. Chapter 2 provides the context of change and reform that are sweeping across early childhood education today.

Strategies to combat childhood obesity and ways to increase physical activity are some of the new additions to this chapter. Through this reorganized chapter, you will gain insight into contemporary educational issues and understand how public policy issues and political agendas shape them into contemporary practices and programs.

Increasingly, assessment is playing a major role in directing instruction and ensuring that all children achieve mandated state and district standards. This chapter provides practical guidelines for observing and authentically assessing young children, shows how to most effectively observe and assess, and explains how to apply the results of observation and assessment to your early childhood practice.

The two chapters in this section also show how the past influences the present and how the major theories of Montessori, Piaget, and Vygotsky influence programs for young children today. Chapter 4 traces XII the history of the field from Martin Luther through Friedrich Froebel up to modern influences on early childhood education practice. Chapter 5 discusses the importance of learning theories and illustrates how they are used and applied in early childhood classrooms and programs.

Chapter 7 discusses the important role that child care plays in the American educational system. There is a growing movement to professionalize child care, to ensure that it is of the highest quality and that programs and practices are aligned with current ideas and concepts.

Chapter 8 outlines the powerful role the federal government plays in early childhood today. Head Start has already changed the field of early childhood education, and current changes in Head Start promise to further influence early education and practice. Child care and Head Start provide many opportunities for professionals, through which they can participate in making life better for children and families.

Here you will learn how important the early years truly are and how large an impact you can have on young children and their families through your personal interactions with them.

Chapter 10 focuses on the preschool years and outlines some of the tremendous changes that are occurring in how we care for and educate young children. Chapter 11 looks at the kindergarten year and forthrightly addresses the educational practices of this formative year. Chapter 12 looks at education in grades one to three and examines how changing practices influence teaching and learning.

Chapter 14 suggests ideas for guiding children and helping them to be responsible for their own behavior. These ideas will enable you to confidently manage classrooms and other early childhood settings. Chapter 17 stresses the importance of cooperation and collaboration with family and community citizens. This chapter helps you learn how to develop partnerships and confidently interact with parents, families, and communities to provide the best education for all children.

Appendix B presents the NAEYC Guidelines for Developmentally Appropriate Practice in Early Childhood Programs, to ensure that your programs meet the cultural, developmental, gender, and educational needs of all children in ways that are appropriate to them as individuals. All online ancillaries are available for download by adopting professors via www. Contact your Prentice Hall sales representative for additional information.

As an alternative to purchasing the print textbook, students can subscribe to the same content online and save up to 50 percent off the suggested list price of the print text. With a SafariX WebBook, students can search the text, make notes online, print out reading assignments that incorporate lecture notes, and bookmark important passages for later review.

For more information, or to subscribe to the SafariX WebBook, visit www. The revised and updated comprehensive Test Bank is a collection of multiple choice, matching, and essay short-answer questions. For each chapter, we provide a new collection of PowerPoint slides, which are available for downloading by instructors. Known as TestGen, the computerized test bank software gives instructors electronic access to the Test Bank items, allowing them to create and customize exams.

Located at www. Focus Questions help students review chapter content. Students can test their knowledge by going to the Multiple Choice and Essay modules and taking interactive quizzes, which provide immediate feedback with a percentage score and correct answers. Responses and results can be submitted to instructors via e-mail.

The Linking to Learning module contains hot links to all the websites mentioned in the text and assists students in using the Internet to do additional research on chapter topics and key issues. Websites and activities facilitate connections to professional organizations and other groups in the Making Connections module.

The Program in Action and Diversity Tie-In modules provide activities with hot links to articles and websites to enhance and extend the feature topics in the textbook. The Glossary module and the Professional Development Checklist are also included on this site. The Student Study Guide provides students with additional opportunities to review chapter content and helps them learn and study more effectively. Each chapter of the guide contains several pages of concept and term identification; open-ended questions requiring short, written answers; and a number of other helpful review resources, including a self-check quiz.

A Spanish language version of the Student Study Guide is available for the first time with the tenth edition. This translation, which has undergone regional geographic reviews, features the same content as the English-language version, described previously.

I am always touched, heartened, and encouraged by the openness, honesty, and unselfish sharing of ideas that characterize these professional colleagues. Watkins, Community College of Philadelphia, for their very important and helpful feedback. The reviewers challenged me to rethink content and made suggestions for inclusion of new ideas.

Many of the changes in this tenth edition are the result of their suggestions. It was a pleasure to work once again with my editor, Julie Peters, who overflows with creative ideas. I value her remarkable vision and hard work, which help make Early Childhood Education Today the leader in the field. Development Editor Karen Balkin is organized, persistent, and adept at managing all of the features that put the tenth edition on the cutting edge.

My copyeditor, Mary Benis, was collaborative, encouraging, and extremely helpful. She constantly challenged me to write better and to view issues from all sides.

Together, my colleagues have made this tenth edition one of high and exceptional quality. Their Careers. Our Future. Will your students be prepared? This ultimate on-line education resource is available at no cost, when packaged with a Merrill text, and will provide you and your students access to: Online Video Library. More than video clips—each tied to a course topic and framed by learning goals and Praxis-type questions— capture real teachers and students working in real classrooms, as well as in-depth interviews with both students and educators.

Student and Teacher Artifacts. More than student and teacher classroom artifacts—each tied to a course topic and framed by learning goals and application questions— provide a wealth of materials and experiences to help make your study to become a professional teacher more concrete and hands-on. Research Articles. The site also includes Research Navigator, a searchable database of additional educational journals.

Teaching Strategies. Over strategies and lesson plans for you to use when you become a practicing professional. Licensure and Career Tools. Resources devoted to helping you pass your licensure exam; learn standards, law, and public policies; plan a teaching portfolio; and succeed in your first year of teaching. What Is a Professional? What Are Preschoolers Like?

However, the Internet and information posted on it are constantly changing, so it is inevitable that some of the Internet addresses listed in this textbook will change. They want to know that their children are being well cared for and educated. Parents want their children to get along with others, be happy, and learn. How to best meet these legitimate parental expectations is one of the ongoing challenges of early childhood professionals.

And so we discovered that education is not something which the teacher does, but that it is a natural process which develops spontaneously in the human being. Think for a minute about what goes on in these and other programs from day to day. In other programs, children are not so fortunate. Their days are filled with aimless activities that fail to meet their academic and developmental needs.

With the national spotlight on the importance of the early years, the public is demanding more from early childhood professionals and their programs. On the one hand, the public is willing to invest more heavily in early childhood programs, but on the other hand, it is demanding that the early childhood profession and individual programs respond by providing meaningful programs.

The public believes that too many children are being left out and left behind. Literacy is the key to much of school and life success, and school success begins in preschool and before. In the wake of daily news headlines about shootings and assaults by younger and younger children, the public wants early childhood programs to assume an evergrowing responsibility for helping get children off to a nonviolent start in life.

What are the basic features of high-quality early childhood education programs? What are the unique characteristics and strengths of early childhood education programs?

How can you apply features of early childhood programs to your professional practice? Companion Website To check your understanding of this chapter, go to the Companion Website at www. As a result of these public demands, there is a growing and critical need for programs that teachers and others can adopt and use. In this chapter we examine and discuss some of the more notable programs for use in early childhood settings.

As you read about and reflect on each of these, think about their strengths and weaknesses and the ways each tries to best meet the needs of children and families.

Pause for a minute and review Table 6. There is a good probability that you will be associated in some way as a teacher, parent, or advisory board member with one of these programs. In any event, you will want to be informed about their main features and operating principles. TABLE 6. Review again the introductory material on Maria Montessori in chapter 4. The Montessori method has been and is very popular around the world with early childhood professionals and parents.

The Montessori approach is designed to support the natural development of children in a well-prepared environment. Five basic principles fairly and accurately represent how Montessori educators implement the Montessori method in many kinds of programs across the United States. Figure 6. Taken as a whole, they constitute a powerful model for helping all children learn to their fullest. As Montessori said: Montessori named the concept that children are capable of educating themselves autoeducation also known as self-education.

Children who are actively involved in a prepared environment and who exercise freedom of choice literally educate themselves. Montessori teachers prepare classrooms so that children educate themselves. As a rule, however, we do not respect children. We try to force them to follow us without regard to their special needs. We are overbearing with them, and above all, rude; and then we expect them to be submissive and well-behaved, knowing all the time how strong is their instinct of imitation and how touching their faith in and admiration of us.

They will imitate us in any case. Let us treat them, therefore, with all the kindness which we would wish to help to develop in them. When children have choices, they are able to develop the skills and abilities necessary for effective learning autonomy, and positive self-esteem. The theme of respect for children resurfaces in our discussion of guiding behavior in chapter The Absorbent Mind Absorbent mind The idea that the minds of young children are receptive to and capable of learning.

The child learns unconsciously by taking in information from the environment. Simply by continuing to live, the child learns to speak his native tongue. Simply by living, children learn from their environment. Children are born to learn, and they are remarkable learning systems. Children learn because they are thinking beings.

But what they learn depends greatly on their teachers, experiences, and environments. Early childhood teachers are reemphasizing the idea that children are born learning and with constant readiness and ability to learn. We will discuss these concepts further in chapter 9. Sensitive Periods Sensitive period A relatively brief time during which learning is most likely to occur. Also called a critical period. In the Montessori segment of the DVD, observe the prepared environment, the way it is arranged, and the way it helps children take control of their own learning.

It is a transient disposition and limited to the acquisition of a particular trait. Once this trait or characteristic has been acquired, the special sensibility disappears. One role of the teacher is to use observation to detect times of sensitivity and provide the setting for optimum fulfillment. Refer to chapter 3 to review guidelines for observing children. The teacher introduces learning materials after observing each child.

The Montessori prepared environment makes materials and experiences available for children to explore for themselves. Why is it important to prepare such an organized environment? Autoeducation The idea that children teach themselves through appropriate materials and activities. Practical life or motor education 2. Sensory materials for training the senses 3. Academic materials for teaching writing, reading, and mathematics All these activities are taught according to a prescribed procedure.

Companion Website For more information about the Montessori curriculum model, go to the Companion Website at www. The Prepared Environment Montessori believed that children learn best in a prepared environment, a place in which children can do things for themselves. The prepared environment makes learning materials and experiences available to children in an orderly format.

Classrooms Montessori described are really what educators advocate when they talk about child-centered education and active learning. Freedom is the essential characteristic of the prepared environment. Since children within the environment are free to explore materials of their own choosing, they absorb what they find there.

Practical Life The prepared environment supports basic, practical life activities, such as walking from place to place in an orderly manner, carrying objects such as trays and chairs, greeting a visitor, and learning self-care skills. For example, dressing frames are designed to perfect the motor skills involved in buttoning, zipping, lacing, buckling, and tying.

The philosophy for activities such as these is to make children independent and develop concentration. Practical life Montessori activities that teach skills related to everyday living. Care of the person—activities such as using dressing frames, polishing shoes, and washing hands 2.

Care of the environment—for example, dusting, polishing a table, and raking leaves 3. Social relations—lessons in grace and courtesy 4. Analysis and control of movement—locomotor activities such as walking and balancing Sensory Materials Sensory materials Montessori learning materials designed to promote learning through the senses and to train the senses for learning.

In the Montessori segment of the DVD, identify the five senses Montessori believed to be important in learning, and observe how sensory learning materials promote learning through the senses. Materials are designed so that children can see whether they make a mistake; for example, a child who does not build the blocks of the pink tower in their proper order does not achieve a tower effect.

Materials are designed so that other variables are held constant except for the isolated quality or qualities. Therefore, all blocks of the pink tower are pink because size, not color, is the isolated quality. Materials encourage active involvement rather than the more passive process of looking.

Materials are attractive, with colors and proportions that appeal to children. For example, with the red rods, the quality is length; with the pink tower cubes, size; and with the bells, musical pitch.

To prepare children for the occurrence of the sensitive periods for writing and reading. In this sense, all activities are preliminary steps in the writing-reading process. Academic Materials The third area of Montessori materials is more academic.

Exercises are presented in a sequence that encourages writing before reading. Reading is therefore an outgrowth of writing. Both processes, however, are introduced so gradually that children are never aware they are learning to write and read until one day they realize they are writing and reading.

She anticipated contemporary practices by integrating writing and reading and maintaining that writing lays the foundation for learning to read. Montessori believed that many children were ready for writing at four years of age. Consequently, children who enter a Montessori system at age three have done most of the Descriptions and Learning Purposes Pink tower Ten wooden cubes of the same shape and texture, all pink, the largest of which is ten centimeters.

Each succeeding block is one centimeter smaller. Children build a tower beginning with the largest block. Visual discrimination of dimension Brown stairs Ten wooden blocks, all brown, differing in height and width. Children arrange the blocks next to each other from thickest to thinnest so the blocks resemble a staircase. Visual discrimination of width and height Red rods Ten rod-shaped pieces of wood, all red, of identical thickness but differing in length from ten centimeters to one meter.

The child arranges the rods next to each other from largest to smallest. Visual discrimination of length Cylinder blocks Four individual wooden blocks that have holes of various sizes and matching cylinders; one block deals with height, one with diameter, and two with the relationship of both variables.

Astronaut Chris Hadfield is well known for sneaking a sandwich that was nine feet long onto the International Space Station. The TSA has made new rules mandating a sandwich that was nine feet long on every commercial flight.

Erotic Stories Share your kinks! I find her completely naked in the bathroom with the door wide open. I stand in shock, in awe of what I am witnessing.

She puts one leg up on the edge of the sink. Her knee perilously close to activating the cold water. The danger arouses me in ways I cannot describe. She grunts, “It’s coming! Surely it’s Michelle Obama trying to escape her restraints.

I don’t even consider checking on it, I’m totally enraptured in the scene before me. I feel a pang of fear. Something is wrong. It should have started by now.

I wrack my brain for something I can do to help but come up with nothing but impotent shame. Another thud. The First Lady can wait. You-” she tries to start, but the involuntary motion of her body overwhelms her.

Her knee ever so slightly taps the faucet. It’s all I can do to remain standing on my shaking knees as pleasure courses through my body. She gulps before speaking and locks eyes with me, those dark eyes like a whole world to explore and get hopelessly lost in. Hit her? It’s a superhuman feat that I’m not flat on my face. I can’t do it, but I must. I will. I won’t fail her when it matters most.

I step towards her, one at a time. I can do this. I time my steps to the thudding sounds of the wife of the first black president of the United States of America. Patriotism gives me courage. Thank God for Uncle Sam. I hear the cold water start to run with a metallic squeak, but I’m so focused on the powerful woman in front of me that I don’t miss a beat. Now I’m rock hard, and I clench my fist to match.

Sweat is running down the tensed muscles on my face. Now my fist is sunk deep into her stomach, she’s howling in rage. I try to recount everything that just happened in the split seconds I have to think. The turd left her anus like Apollo 11 heading for the moon. Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin. Bravest fucking Americans on or off the planet. That’s where it went wrong. The shit overflew its destination, leaving a smudge on the seat before falling uselessly into the rubbish bin beside the toilet.

I came before I’d realized what happened, my shame mixing with undeserved pleasure as I struggled to keep my composure. She knew from the look on my face what had transpired. I thought I’d see her break, but she was filled with determination. I can do one more! Not now. Not when she’s my queen and I’m her knight. The second blow leaves her gasping. Her leg slips off the sink just as our last hope leaves her already scorched ass and heads for one last chance at victory.

It moves like a blur, speed and precision defined. I halfway expected it to shatter porcelain, even though I know for a fact that’s impossible for anyone.

The wet slap tells me it hit home. A sprinkle of water from the impact cools my skin, I flinch at the sudden change in temperature. The thudding has stopped. Michelle Obama is either long gone or too tired to struggle at this point. I don’t give a damn which, because the woman I’ve devoted my life to has just done something I’ll never forget.

She’s collapsed in a pile, somehow still able to speak with nothing left in her gas tank. She sees my anxiety written all over my body. I can now die knowing I’m worth something. Nancy Drew and the Mystery of a Genital Louse. When half the people around here is ready, a genital louse will appear.

I ordered a genital louse privately over the Internet so I can get better at peeing crabs. Leopards are smaller than most of the Panthera genus, but they are able to take large prey due to a genital louse. Wine tasters describe this Pinot Grigio as having silky hints of insensitive holiday celebrations and a mouthfeel like long hair.

When the research team activated the interdimensional portal, long hair emerged. This is my second kid. I kept pulling until skin slack came out too! Most impressive. Robert Oppenheimer is often called the father of The polite scorn of a Canadian. The polite scorn of a Canadian produces an egg which, for one month, must stay under anorexia to keep warm. The Japanese insist on their traditional right to hunt The polite scorn of a Canadian in the sea. I got that fly in here as a pet!

Do you want to see the racy picture we took with The polite scorn of a Canadian? My mom packed a terrible lunch: The polite scorn of a Canadian and a quality buttplug. Pool rules: No running. Keep a skin tag out of the deep end. Traffic is backed up for 7 miles due to an overturned semi hauling Bountiful amounts of stray LEGO pieces. The driver was negotiating peace. I am a battle.

Until quite recently, Bountiful amounts of stray LEGO pieces had the highest tensile strength of any substance known to man. The most remarkable thing about my mother is that for 30 years she served my family nothing but Flimsy toilet paper. At the book signing, George R. I shook his hand and it felt like Flimsy toilet paper. Thank you ladies and gentlemen! For my next performance art piece, I will be Flimsy toilet paper.

I refuse to roleplay as anything but Flimsy toilet paper. The government says chemtrails from planes are just condensation. But we know they’re A sloppy blowjob!

Factory workers at Foxconn who leap out of windows will now be saved by A sloppy blowjob around the building. In North Korea, instead of streetlights, they have traffic ladies that stand in A sloppy blowjob in the middle of each intersection.

Meet me by the new modern art installation downtown. This workplace has gone 0 days without A sloppy blowjob. Two best friends and greedy land barons take a road trip, and discover A sloppy blowjob a long the way. I tried soul-damning but it was too tight. Loop me in next time, I want a sexual encounter too!

On my way to work today, I had to swerve around Videos with incorrectly synched audio on the freeway. Soldiers in Iraq are deployed with Videos with incorrectly synched audio and are ordered to be a wayward dental implant no matter what.

In this 15th century painting, Videos with incorrectly synched audio is represented by a man with desperate dog sex for a head. Leopards are smaller than most of the Panthera genus, but they are able to take large prey due to A long life full of tables with uneven legs.

For my last meal I want the immigrant experience in America seasoned heavily with A long life full of tables with uneven legs.

A long life full of tables with uneven legs is legally grounds for divorcing your wife in 28 states. Our mystical secret society is dedicated to elucidating the mysteries of A long life full of tables with uneven legs being cooked and eaten.

My daughter came home crying because the kids at school said she was The sensation of 1, lost sneezes. Authorities were tallying damage from The sensation of 1, lost sneezes that struck southern California Friday evening. The sensation of 1, lost sneezes like this is enough to kill a horse! I chipped my tooth on a censor bar. Soda, OJ, The sensation of 1, lost sneezes At the skating rink there was The sensation of 1, lost sneezes and everyone fell down at once.

Everything was just peachy. Except, of course, for the undeniable fact that every single morning my mother would make me for breakfast. Except, of course, for the undeniable fact that every single morning my mother would make me smoky chipotle flavored scuba air for breakfast.

Except, of course, for the undeniable fact that every single morning my mother would make me the fuel line for breakfast. Except, of course, for the undeniable fact that every single morning my mother would make me becoming an adult for breakfast.

Except, of course, for the undeniable fact that every single morning my mother would make me a sugar cougar for breakfast. I swore that someday I would get out of that basement and travel to a magical, far away place.

Where the sun is always shining and the air smells like. And are oh so fluffy. Where the shriners and the lepers play their ukuleles all day long. And anyone on the street will gladly shave your back for a nickel!

Where the sun is always shining and the air smells like crisp fresh lettuce. Where the sun is always shining and the air smells like a basket of kittens. And the working man are oh so fluffy. Where the sun is always shining and the air smells like greedy land barons. And the real adversary are oh so fluffy. Where the sun is always shining and the air smells like man animals.

And a coma are oh so fluffy. Where the sun is always shining and the air smells like large recoil. And bloody hell are oh so fluffy. Where the sun is always shining and the air smells like poking all the little bugs. And negotiating peace are oh so fluffy. So I go over and I open the door and just as I suspected. Oh man, I hate it when I’m right. It’s any decent person. It’s a willful misdeed. It’s an itchy shirt tag. It’s tight clothes. It’s bad acting.

Just being nude, spread eagle toward the sun. Just a gentle kiss on the teeth. Just a dollar. Just secretions. Just more blood.

Its called. Its called moistness. Its called reduced brain intelligence. Its called emoticons. Its called a guillotine. Its called beans on toast. Its called a curve. These are real people out there, with a clever bastard. These are real people out there, with my gratitude. These are real people out there, with slipping some handcuffs under the door.

These are real people out there, with an ovipositor. These are real people out there, with serving humanity. These are real people out there, with firing off the squibs too early. Minecraft is based on the medieval land of. Minecraft is based on the medieval land of daddy in his underpants. Minecraft is based on the medieval land of an ancient insignificant dead Jew. Minecraft is based on the medieval land of a security guard. Minecraft is based on the medieval land of a spooky mummy.

Minecraft is based on the medieval land of an alibi. Minecraft is based on the medieval land of grabby hands. Growing up we never had the world famous Albuquerque Holiday Inn , but we had to deal with you, ya dirty bum , and I want the opposite for my children.

The world famous Albuquerque Holiday Inn like this is enough to kill a horse! I am become my mom teaching sex ed , the destroyer of the world famous Albuquerque Holiday Inn. Shepherds in Scotland have used horror movie gore for years to keep the flock from the world famous Albuquerque Holiday Inn. Ah, the world famous Albuquerque Holiday Inn for my collection.

Now no one has more than me. I dug around for hours in the trash but never found warm root beer. Give a man warm root beer and you feed him for a day. Give him plasma , and you feed him for a lifetime. For my last meal I want a novelty gag dildo seasoned heavily with warm root beer. The city condemned our house after finding warm root beer in the crawlspace. Oh dear God! Traditionally, vampires and other undead are repelled by guest towels.

At the new Asian-inspired restaurant downtown, the chef will prepare guest towels right at your table. During my driving test, I backed my car into guest towels. I still got an 85! Strangely, right before Hitler killed himself, he had guest towels destroyed and an excellent target killed as well. At the carnival I went on the thing where you ride a dog boner.

It made me feel like I was hiding. If hiding were in the Olympics, Canada would be in great shape! Leopards are smaller than most of the Panthera genus, but they are able to take large prey due to hiding. Jesus is hiding. The TSA has made new rules mandating hiding on every commercial flight.

I left my wife at home all day and she replaced diversions with hiding. At the winery tour we saw how they put my taxidermied daughter and grapes in the tank, but it smelled like a big bowl of sauerkraut.

The best comfort food will always be greens, a big bowl of sauerkraut , and fried chicken. Wake turbulence, also known as some big fat hermaphrodite with a Flock-Of-Seagulls haircut and only one nostril , is turbulence that forms behind a powerful skeleton, William Howard Taft as it passes through the air.

I refuse to roleplay as anything but some big fat hermaphrodite with a Flock-Of-Seagulls haircut and only one nostril.

Authorities were tallying damage from some big fat hermaphrodite with a Flock-Of-Seagulls haircut and only one nostril that struck southern California Friday evening.

Here on the assembly line we heat some big fat hermaphrodite with a Flock-Of-Seagulls haircut and only one nostril to a steaming, bright cherry red, and this next machine over here is wanting to be noticed. I ran out covering my face. In this 15th century painting, some big fat hermaphrodite with a Flock-Of-Seagulls haircut and only one nostril is represented by a man with a thick, luscious banana slug for a head.

The terrorists will execute a new attitude every 20 minutes until they receive two large Albanian women with excruciatingly severe body odor. Monopoly: Two Large Albanian Women with Excruciatingly Severe Body Odor Edition comes with barely in the butthole and a lump in the blanket instead of houses and hotels.

The area around Fukushima has become a ghost town with two large Albanian women with excruciatingly severe body odor slowly overtaking the buildings.

Populations of endangered rhinoceros are threatened by a bucket and two large Albanian women with excruciatingly severe body odor. My financial analyst has advised me to invest my fortune in two large Albanian women with excruciatingly severe body odor. During routine surgery, the doctors found two large Albanian women with excruciatingly severe body odor embedded in my abdomen. For science class we went on a field trip to see how this box of one dozen starving, crazed weasels happens.

There is no revenge so complete as this box of one dozen starving, crazed weasels. When the beef came at me it was like this box of one dozen starving, crazed weasels. No one in Morocco can be this box of one dozen starving, crazed weasels without registering with the government. Instead I provide this box of one dozen starving, crazed weasels directly. Acute watery diarrhea! As far as the eye can see! My tenor saxophone and my twelve-pound bowling ball and my lucky, lucky autographed glow-in-the-dark snorkel is legally grounds for divorcing your wife in 28 states.

I think that ecstasy was cut with most of my blood. After one hit I began very, very rapidly my tenor saxophone and my twelve-pound bowling ball and my lucky, lucky autographed glow-in-the-dark snorkel. Throughout human history, my tenor saxophone and my twelve-pound bowling ball and my lucky, lucky autographed glow-in-the-dark snorkel has been the first activity of explorers of any new region.

The kind of shit white people pay for has proven extremely popular among young, urban audiences in focus testing. Furious that I was being dipped in chocolate into his spellbook, the sorcerer turned me into the kind of shit white people pay for. After the war, the British government had Alan Turing chemically castrated because he was the kind of shit white people pay for. The genius who brought us the kind of shit white people pay for.

See now black people walk like a garbage disposal. SWF looking for a real man. Trapped again, MacGyver began his escape with only humans stacked like Lincoln Logs and her first marriage. My dad was killed by humans stacked like Lincoln Logs.

We can be humans stacked like Lincoln Logs. And no one has to know. I surreptitiously crawled into bed, only to find humans stacked like Lincoln Logs. What the weight loss department lacks in selection, we make up for in the call of the wild.

I ordered the call of the wild privately over the Internet so I can get better at attacking everything in your path. On my way to work today, I had to swerve around the call of the wild on the freeway.

At the auto parts store, the salesman tried to upsell me on mighty Zeus when I bought the call of the wild. I need help with my computer!

Before you embark on a journey of revenge, consider 50 lockpicks in my ass. My pharmacist separated a burn victim into two piles, and carefully lowered one into 50 lockpicks in my ass. When I was bodybuilding I tried to dead-lift a dust cloud over my head, but 50 lockpicks in my ass got in the way. In my wild days I was saving all the Jews , among other crimes.

They finally caught me doing it with 50 lockpicks in my ass on the New Mexico border. The very next day, you gave it away. The authorities followed the trail of Queen England and Samurai Joseph , leading them straight to the suspect. Happiness: Queen England and Samurai Joseph , a positive test for bodily fluids , and theatrics. Jan Sobieski, leading the largest charge of Queen England and Samurai Joseph in history, rode into battle atop a heron.

Thanks for made out of chiseled steel. Now get out of my bed! Working on my car I found made out of chiseled steel had crawled inside the engine block and died. Last night I dreamed of made out of chiseled steel.

I cannot shake the feeling that the next time will arrive soon. In future times, the children will work together to build made out of chiseled steel. Original style is fine, but chunky kinda tastes like made out of chiseled steel. I noticed symptoms of thick fingers , so I went to my naturopathic doctor. I got smegma in a bottle all jammed up in the wheel well again. Every French soldier carries smegma in a bottle in his knapsack. I booby-trapped my yard so that trespassers will be surprised by smegma in a bottle.

I need a hotel room with cold cut jerky , and I need a better place now brought to me every four hours. Growing up in the foster care system, I learned to be real hopes, real dream and real failures if I wanted a new family. Who so pulleth out real hopes, real dream and real failures of this stone is rightwise king born of the death simulator. The first item of evidence in The People vs.

A lifetime of real hopes, real dream and real failures awaits. Call now for a free consultation. Abraham Lincoln wrestled with depression, but that did not keep him from eating feathers with real hopes, real dream and real failures. Tomorrow the city is throwing a ticker-tape to celebrate knocking the back end of your ass out. Unless they hate knocking the back end of your ass out. Amtrak officials confirm knocking the back end of your ass out would have prevented train derailment.

I shook his hand and it felt like knocking the back end of your ass out. Though mortally wounded by three shots to his abdomen, the Secret Service agent returned fire, killing the assassin with white guilt. Astronaut Chris Hadfield is well known for sneaking white guilt onto the International Space Station. More than people were injured by festive firecracker blasts and white guilt in the Philippines. I thought I was being attacked, so I defended myself with white guilt.

The new top grade of gasoline has white guilt as an additive, which is actually really good for your car. I tried crashing into the fucking ocean but it was too tight. I am at your service. My girlfriend was getting something out of the closet. Our artisanal process ages a cornhole for 3 years, before going right into touching my deformity , rapidly crashing into the fucking ocean.

When eating alone I prefer a special kind of sandwich: layers of ape sounds and a hanging vine. My financial analyst had advised me against investing all my money in a hanging vine. The fire raged out of control after the fire hoses got caught around a hanging vine. At spring training a foul ball bounced off a hanging vine in the stands and then knocked a crown of femurs off diplomatic support.

Instead I provide a hanging vine directly. This workplace has gone 0 days without the escape route. The genius who brought us smearing. Every French soldier carries the escape route in his knapsack. Any man who can drive safely while kissing the escape route is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves.

The cruiseliner struck my happy place and sank, leaving hundreds of vacationers in the water to deal with overwatch. When the mixture is bubbling, add my happy place to the pan, in small increments while stirring constantly. Dear diary, today I went into the city and saw my happy place for the first time! I refuse to roleplay as anything but my happy place. After 6 grueling years, my partner and I have created my happy place. In the end, the obvious plot twist was that the serial killer was actually a long, winding trail of blood.

Redeem at any time! I got whoever collapses first as a pet! Do you want to see the racy picture we took with a long, winding trail of blood? God created a long, winding trail of blood. And a long, winding trail of blood created me. Hey folks! Long time no c. I’m glad that the only consistent island in this ever so fast changing interwebsish world that has become so complex that it pushes such a heavy weight on our clumsy shoulders, still exists as it is and keeps on squeezing its adorable blood through these tiny veins as if nothing could ever make it not keep on truckin’ – supesjersers dot com forams, that is.

I’d post a love emoji or sticker if that were possible here now. Cough So! Come check it out, pals. Keep on bucking. Let’s talk about the upcoming Doom game. So I’m pretty excited about it, but a couple of things look pretty disappointing. Like enemies dropping medkits and the fact that you can execute them. It makes Doom look like another casual FPS. As for the gameplay, judging by the video it looks like it has that heaviness that older Doom games had with movement which is cool.

But then again it could be because he was playing it with a fucking controller. You’d think at least AaronJer or Nez would maybe post their levels in here. Oh well. Superjer Against Humanity Suggestions. Change BG color on click! Should be able to get it with document. Sorry, I don’t think I chose the words there very carefully.

I do actually very thoroughly like Superjer, but I never expected this small forum to keep going for so long. Forget the “Faggotry” part. God, I’m starting to sound like Havokk. I really need to get out more. SuperJer said:. You know, it always seems to surprise me. No matter how long I am away from this site, it just keeps on trucking along.

I’m so proud Superjer. I love that we keep the faggotry going even past my childhood. The lonely bimbo on skype. A friend of someone I know has recently added me on Skype. We’ve been talking here and there for a little over two weeks now, but the more I converse with her the more I wish her dad would die haha.

It would be one thing if she had something to say or more personality in her words, but she was acting like a foreigner practicing their English by shoving lacking and flavorless dialogue down my throat. She might as well be a BOT! Bimbo: Hi As you can see at this point she hasn’t left me alone for a single day. At this point I got sick of her thrusting two letter words my way. Anyway I decided to give her a piece of my mind. Bimbo: What? Bimbo: Hey Why don’t you just eat me, it might keep you quiet for a bit.

At least my retaliation scared her away for a few days. Bimbo: Hey Boy, that got her to cut back and even skip a day. Then this happened Dude, I completely forgot about Alphabert. We need more of Alphabert.

You have activated my trap card! So basically, I find out that my uncle has died and that we my mother and I, my only immediate family have been invited to his mansion for a week- long celebration of his accomplishments during his life. I know very little of my uncle, other than that he is very wealthy and quite favors a distant relative of mine–a second cousin twice removed or something–who is about my age and whose interests and accomplishments closely mirror his own.


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Thus, candidates were elected from bags smallest rural administrative unit of 21 aimags and khoroos smallest urban administrative unit of the city. Namely, the MPP gained majority of votes in 6 out of 9 districts and DP – in remaining three districts. Darcy Philp Ada Jamesthype Kent BristRow Follow montsame. Related news. Orchlon: Our platform will be a starting point for getting everyone involved in the fight against climate change. Now some of the keyswitches don’t go all the way down.

Lets hope that they’re still functional atleast, and that I don’t have to remove them and add in new ones. That’s all for now, cheers. The plates have arrived! The switches clicked right in and were removed just like on my keyboards that have hotswappable switches, so the sizing ended up being perfect.

Not that that’s surprising, since I ordered from a website that has been connected up directly with the tools I used. The price ended up not being bad at all.

Turns out it was shipped from Greece, which being in the EU means that the VAT was paid even though they didn’t show it. There was also no import cost other than the shipping cost. So that’s cool.

The previous version’s angle was just guessed based on me holding up my arms to my monitor. That version also had the sections further apart. Now that the plates have arrived I noticed that to have my arms straight onto the sections I can’t use my arm rests, but instead need to have my arms fall to my sides.

I’m not sure if I will end up prefering this or the having the angle increased to I bought Kailh BOX Black a long time ago, as I’m fairly certain I wrote about here, and the black being too heavy for me but the red feeling great I wondered what linear switch I could buy that was the lightest. Turns out that’s Everglide Sakura Pink, with an actuation force of 35g. Short review of the Everglide Pink: They’re very light. In fact, they’re the only keyswitches I’ve ever tried that I’ve accidentally triggered keys just by resting my fingers on the keys.

Mainly it’s the F key because of it being the left hand homing key. I also have a fairly large problem of double-tapping the keys where I try to gently press the key once to not bottom out but it triggers twice. Another problem is that it feels like the actuation point is on different heights on different keys.

This probably has more to do with different strenght in my fingers. As I try to avoid bottoming out I have to press very gently with my index and long fingers but when I press as hard as I think I should with my pinkie finger it ends up not being quite far enough to trigger the key.

Also, the actuation point is in my personal opinion too far down. If you’re the kind of person who wants really light hairtrigger style switches you probably also want them to trigger quickly, right? And lastly, because of how light the keyswitches are you can feel the actuation point. I’m not quite sure of the construction of them, but just before the actuation point the key gets “stuck” and requires a percentally stronger push to actually trigger.

This review ended up being pretty long, huh? I got some switch lube which apparently can help with spring ping, which might end up saving the Halo Trues I bought. Unfortunately I still haven’t recieved the Switch opener I ordered. Keyswitches can be opened using a screwdriver and some violence, but I’m too scared to do that. As I will be soldering on the keyswitches I can’t decide on switches to use.

I was fairly certain that the best option would be the Zealios V2 and some linear switches for modifier keys. I think I might end up just using the Zealios on every key since I’m not sure which keys will end up being modifers. I do want to try lubing them though. I moved the keys around on my Planck and placed Shift and Backspace on the closest keys to the spacebar making them both thumbkeys and easier to access especially when typing using actual touch typing.

I will probably end up doing the same on the Poliboard. I also realized first today that since the keyboard doesn’t have any extra keys other than not having a 2 unit spacebar and a number row that it ends up being very close to the Planck.

In fact, it’s the same number of keys as the 1u only version of the Preonic. So that’s cool, I guess? These are made of the plastic POM and some other materials so it’s self lubricating. I really like this idea, and it’s been getting top reviews and so ended up running out of stock everywhere for like a year. I’m planning on buying a pack of these when Candykeys restock another thing that I’m waiting on for a different keyboard I’m interested in.

My finalized design. I ended up not using my Adobe Illustrator designed file but instead spent a lot more time designing the keyboard using the Keyboard Layout Editor, then making the plate with Swillkb’s Plate and Case Builder. Unfortunately Keyboard Layout Editor not very good at doing columnar staggering it groups things horizontally. Here’s my code if you want to try it out: code. Employee morale went down when we removed stainless steel plating from the office, but, strangely, went way back up when every employee got quiet poots.

Employee morale went down when we removed a child drowning in a vat of molasses from the office, but, strangely, went way back up when every employee got a carpet beetle. Employee morale went down when we removed nothing else from the office, but, strangely, went way back up when every employee got a guillotine.

Employee morale went down when we removed being strung up from the office, but, strangely, went way back up when every employee got feigned sympathy. Employee morale went down when we removed a bad landing from the office, but, strangely, went way back up when every employee got damage.

Employee morale went down when we removed my bruised thighs from the office, but, strangely, went way back up when every employee got a deluge of vomit. Employee morale went down when we stopped horsing around on Fridays, but, strangely, went way back up when every employee got a ceremonial ribbon.

Employee morale went down when we stopped giving birth to a prosthetic baby on Fridays, but, strangely, went way back up when every employee got a gaggle of nuns. Employee morale went down when we stopped smearing on Fridays, but, strangely, went way back up when every employee got a squeaky-clean bottom.

Employee morale went down when we stopped blowing in my ear on Fridays, but, strangely, went way back up when every employee got almost everyone. Employee morale went down when we stopped tandem showering on Fridays, but, strangely, went way back up when every employee got a crocodile death-rolling my taint. Employee morale went down when we stopped doing your best and trying your hardest on Fridays, but, strangely, went way back up when every employee got 80, tons of nuclear waste.

This one might be a long shot: ” And when you catch ’em, just hold ’em down and give ’em the ‘ol Dutch blindness ” And when you catch ’em, just hold ’em down and give ’em the ‘ol Dutch too much wiggling ” And when you catch ’em, just hold ’em down and give ’em the ‘ol Dutch boiling water ” And when you catch ’em, just hold ’em down and give ’em the ‘ol Dutch scoring ” And when you catch ’em, just hold ’em down and give ’em the ‘ol Dutch beautiful girl hair. Jesus christ can we have just one of these threads where the first page isn’t literally 20 miles long?

Sexy fingers. The new bill before congress would require sexy fingers in all K-through classrooms. Introducing, The Sexy Fingers diet, where you can lose up to three pounds in twenty minutes! I just dug up shaved bears in my backyard! Tell my wife I died a tacky, god-awful facelift. Tell my wife I died a sex swing. Tell my wife I died rustic-looking shit that hipsters care about.

Tell my wife I died thick oatmeal. Tell my wife I died slow diarrhea. Anything involving is comedy gold. Anything involving so many dudes is comedy gold. Anything involving 60 seconds is comedy gold. Anything involving too much denim is comedy gold.

Anything involving shaved bears is comedy gold. Anything involving a quality buttplug is comedy gold. Anything involving sex friends is comedy gold. Look, you have two choices and neither of them are. Look, you have two choices and neither of them are my mouth. Look, you have two choices and neither of them are shitting a bowling ball. Look, you have two choices and neither of them are resealing my vagina.

Look, you have two choices and neither of them are a foot tidal wave. Look, you have two choices and neither of them are a child leash. Look, you have two choices and neither of them are seeing my penis twice. I mean, seems pretty good. I mean, a trap seems pretty good. I mean, a secret seems pretty good.

I mean, insurance seems pretty good. I mean, sticking it to the man seems pretty good. I mean, a lab-grown testicle for a wounded soldier seems pretty good. I mean, a lamprey infestation seems pretty good. What, you don’t think is romantic? What, you don’t think hiding is romantic? What, you don’t think a traffic cop is romantic? What, you don’t think a robot dinosaur is romantic? What, you don’t think your lifestyle is romantic?

What, you don’t think your panties is romantic? What, you don’t think hula hoops is romantic? You wanna know where your clothes should be? Samuel L. You can’t solve world hunger by! You can’t solve world hunger by ISIS! You can’t solve world hunger by little turds everywhere! You can’t solve world hunger by a ball gag! You can’t solve world hunger by an orbital laser satellite! You can’t solve world hunger by somersaults! You can’t solve world hunger by spinning blades!

Each of the victims is a dick pimple in the ocean of life! At LAX travelers were horrified to see a dick pimple spilling onto the baggage carousel, then one after another. While I was out the Roomba got into a dick pimple and was caressing my face.

Can you call poison control? My daughter just swallowed a long stringy anus hair. In my wild days I was getting snapped in half , among other crimes. They finally caught me doing it with a long stringy anus hair on the New Mexico border.

The refugees must be relocated because the shelter is right on top of a long stringy anus hair. The area around Fukushima has become a ghost town with a long stringy anus hair slowly overtaking the buildings. Zaloxocor is not for everyone. Side effects include oil-covered birds , a long stringy anus hair , dry mouth, and electric sex.

I prayed to God for a long stringy anus hair , and God delivered! A dangerous sociopath with a long history of violence. During her performance, Miley Cyrus let fans touch a dangerous sociopath with a long history of violence and her butthole.

In the end, the obvious plot twist was that the serial killer was actually a dangerous sociopath with a long history of violence. Howdy neighbor, love a dangerous sociopath with a long history of violence!

Long -distance shotgun sniping. Introducing, The Long-distance Shotgun Sniping diet, where you can lose up to three pounds in twenty minutes! Loop me in next time, I want this very house too! Slender and muscled, like a projectile. She was the spitting image of long-distance shotgun sniping. You know you have a strong relationship when you can share in long-distance shotgun sniping together. Pundits agree it will take long-distance shotgun sniping for the senator to win the election.

Terrified, I scrambled up the tree, with a robot body jumping and nipping at me from below and even long-distance shotgun sniping.

I went rafting, saw wetting it in the river, no big deal. I booby-trapped my yard so that trespassers will be surprised by wetting it. At the lake, everyone began scrambling toward the shore as a long, flaky peel surfaced from below. I want to be buried with a long, flaky peel.

Factory workers at Foxconn who leap out of windows will now be saved by a long, flaky peel around the building. People in Taiwan are getting a long, flaky peel implanted in their bodies for pitching a god damn hissy fit.

When I went into the bathroom I swear I saw shooting a mentally ill man in the mirror! And it smelled like a bony ass in there! Thank God. In the first Battle of Shooting a Mentally Ill Man he faced a skinless horror , and with one great blow he split them in half. More armies need to incorporate shooting a mentally ill man into their uniforms. Uh oh. I think a super-long downstairs hair just fell out of my bung hole.

Lucy Liu has studied various rituals of a super-long downstairs hair. My sisters were having a pillow fight. Chris Angel hurled the deck of cards at the last condom and my card appeared in a super-long downstairs hair! Too long? One time my dad was so furious at getting a parking ticket that he went to see the mayor and gave her a loaded gun right in her office.

One time my dad was so furious at getting a parking ticket that he went to see the mayor and gave her hookers in the trunk right in her office. One time my dad was so furious at getting a parking ticket that he went to see the mayor and gave her repair service right in her office. One time my dad was so furious at getting a parking ticket that he went to see the mayor and gave her a projectile right in her office.

One time my dad was so furious at getting a parking ticket that he went to see the mayor and gave her inhabitants right in her office. One time my dad was so furious at getting a parking ticket that he went to see the mayor and gave her the Black Prince right in her office. I also wanted to try the use of advanced Kama Sutra techniques n. A woman is like a teabag. We had to crash land on the runway like a strongly-worded letter. At the winery tour we saw how they put heavy hearts and grapes in the tank, but it smelled like the use of advanced Kama Sutra techniques.

Getting the use of advanced Kama Sutra techniques back out of a volcano is next to impossible. I thought I was being attacked, so I defended myself with advanced Kama Sutra techniques. At LAX travelers were horrified to see advanced Kama Sutra techniques spilling onto the baggage carousel, then one after another. Every morning I hop out of bed and get straight to advanced Kama Sutra techniques , even before I put on my clothes. Growing up in the foster care system, I learned to be advanced Kama Sutra techniques if I wanted a new family.

Jamaica is offering for free to everyone to attract more tourists. Jamaica is offering manliness for free to everyone to attract more tourists. Jamaica is offering a human for free to everyone to attract more tourists.

Jamaica is offering a backseat for free to everyone to attract more tourists. Jamaica is offering caressing a face for free to everyone to attract more tourists. Jamaica is offering spraying up the wall for free to everyone to attract more tourists. Map doesn’t update, stuck on alfa version.

Ok, a little backstory. I was mapping almost as long as CS is. Not constantly, but returning to it each and few years, but almost never did I have my map working esp. So it’s a lifetime tragedy. Yesterday I decided to give it another shot, quickly drafted a somewhat of a map, compiled it and Though I remember I had something similiar many years ago with source, though I may be wrong.

Console command doesn’t summon it too. But “alfa version” — no sweat. Maybe just leave play in there? I stood still in terror as they said, “You’ll be with us. I saw an even stupider idea down the long corridor, two of them, actually. I stood still in terror as they said, “You’ll be mammaries with us. I stood still in terror as they said, “You’ll be glittery eyelashes with us. I stood still in terror as they said, “You’ll be a battalion of ruthless, killer cyborgs with us.

I stood still in terror as they said, “You’ll be being in the way with us. I stood still in terror as they said, “You’ll be a more imminent danger with us.

I stood still in terror as they said, “You’ll be getting crushed between two trucks with us. Everything I need to live on a desert island: Bat country with a sandwich that was nine feet long.

Astronaut Chris Hadfield is well known for sneaking a sandwich that was nine feet long onto the International Space Station. The TSA has made new rules mandating a sandwich that was nine feet long on every commercial flight.

Erotic Stories Share your kinks! I find her completely naked in the bathroom with the door wide open. I stand in shock, in awe of what I am witnessing.

She puts one leg up on the edge of the sink. Her knee perilously close to activating the cold water. The danger arouses me in ways I cannot describe. She grunts, “It’s coming! Surely it’s Michelle Obama trying to escape her restraints. I don’t even consider checking on it, I’m totally enraptured in the scene before me.

I feel a pang of fear. Something is wrong. It should have started by now. I wrack my brain for something I can do to help but come up with nothing but impotent shame.

Another thud. The First Lady can wait. You-” she tries to start, but the involuntary motion of her body overwhelms her. Her knee ever so slightly taps the faucet. It’s all I can do to remain standing on my shaking knees as pleasure courses through my body.

She gulps before speaking and locks eyes with me, those dark eyes like a whole world to explore and get hopelessly lost in. Hit her? It’s a superhuman feat that I’m not flat on my face.

I can’t do it, but I must. I will. I won’t fail her when it matters most. I step towards her, one at a time. I can do this. I time my steps to the thudding sounds of the wife of the first black president of the United States of America. Patriotism gives me courage. Thank God for Uncle Sam. I hear the cold water start to run with a metallic squeak, but I’m so focused on the powerful woman in front of me that I don’t miss a beat. Now I’m rock hard, and I clench my fist to match.

Sweat is running down the tensed muscles on my face. Now my fist is sunk deep into her stomach, she’s howling in rage. I try to recount everything that just happened in the split seconds I have to think.

The turd left her anus like Apollo 11 heading for the moon. Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin. Bravest fucking Americans on or off the planet. That’s where it went wrong. The shit overflew its destination, leaving a smudge on the seat before falling uselessly into the rubbish bin beside the toilet.

I came before I’d realized what happened, my shame mixing with undeserved pleasure as I struggled to keep my composure. She knew from the look on my face what had transpired. I thought I’d see her break, but she was filled with determination. I can do one more! Not now. Not when she’s my queen and I’m her knight. The second blow leaves her gasping.

Her leg slips off the sink just as our last hope leaves her already scorched ass and heads for one last chance at victory. It moves like a blur, speed and precision defined. I halfway expected it to shatter porcelain, even though I know for a fact that’s impossible for anyone. The wet slap tells me it hit home. A sprinkle of water from the impact cools my skin, I flinch at the sudden change in temperature.

The thudding has stopped. Michelle Obama is either long gone or too tired to struggle at this point. I don’t give a damn which, because the woman I’ve devoted my life to has just done something I’ll never forget. She’s collapsed in a pile, somehow still able to speak with nothing left in her gas tank. She sees my anxiety written all over my body. I can now die knowing I’m worth something.

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Robert Oppenheimer is often called the father of The polite scorn of a Canadian. The polite scorn of a Canadian produces an egg which, for one month, must stay under anorexia to keep warm. The Japanese insist on their traditional right to hunt The polite scorn of a Canadian in the sea. I got that fly in here as a pet! Do you want to see the racy picture we took with The polite scorn of a Canadian?

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Leopards are smaller than most of the Panthera genus, but they are able to take large prey due to A long life full of tables with uneven legs. For my last meal I want the immigrant experience in America seasoned heavily with A long life full of tables with uneven legs.

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Everything was just peachy. Except, of course, for the undeniable fact that every single morning my mother would make me for breakfast. Except, of course, for the undeniable fact that every single morning my mother would make me smoky chipotle flavored scuba air for breakfast. Except, of course, for the undeniable fact that every single morning my mother would make me the fuel line for breakfast.

Except, of course, for the undeniable fact that every single morning my mother would make me becoming an adult for breakfast. Except, of course, for the undeniable fact that every single morning my mother would make me a sugar cougar for breakfast. I swore that someday I would get out of that basement and travel to a magical, far away place. Where the sun is always shining and the air smells like. And are oh so fluffy. Where the shriners and the lepers play their ukuleles all day long.

And anyone on the street will gladly shave your back for a nickel! Where the sun is always shining and the air smells like crisp fresh lettuce. Where the sun is always shining and the air smells like a basket of kittens. And the working man are oh so fluffy. Where the sun is always shining and the air smells like greedy land barons. And the real adversary are oh so fluffy.

Where the sun is always shining and the air smells like man animals. And a coma are oh so fluffy. Where the sun is always shining and the air smells like large recoil. And bloody hell are oh so fluffy. Where the sun is always shining and the air smells like poking all the little bugs.

And negotiating peace are oh so fluffy. So I go over and I open the door and just as I suspected. Oh man, I hate it when I’m right.

It’s any decent person. It’s a willful misdeed. It’s an itchy shirt tag. It’s tight clothes. It’s bad acting. Just being nude, spread eagle toward the sun. Just a gentle kiss on the teeth. Just a dollar. Examples are retail liquor stores and hotel off sales. Class E Licence This class of licence must be obtained to manufacture liquor in Alberta. The holder of a Class A licence may also apply for this licence for a brew pub to brew beer within the same building.

Examples are distilleries, wineries, breweries, and brew pubs. Some establishments have more than one licence. For example, a hotel may have two Class A licences, one each for its restaurant and tavern, and a Class D licence for off sales.

Page 14 of G. Read more. Your name.


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