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You can specify ON column one or more times. If you specify multiple ON clauses, as in. This prevents breaks from occurring at meaningless points in the report. ON expr [ action [ action ]]. The information given above for ON column also applies to ON expr. ON ROW [ action [ action ]].

Skips n lines before printing the row where the break occurred. Skips the number of lines that are defined to be a page before printing the row where the break occurred. Prints blanks rather than the value of a break column when the value is a duplicate of the column’s value in the preceding row.

The example selects departments 50 and 80 and the jobs of clerk and salesman only. Use a sepchar that does not appear in old or new. Represents the text you wish to change. For example,. If old is prefixed with ” If it is suffixed with ” If it contains an embedded ” Represents the text with which you wish to replace old.

If you omit new and, optionally, the second and third sepchars , CHANGE deletes old from the current line of the buffer. CHANGE changes the first occurrence of the existing specified text on the current line of the buffer to the new specified text. To reenter an entire line, you can type the line number followed by the new contents of the line. Note that entering a line number followed by a string will replace the line regardless of what text follows the line number.

CL[EAR] option Clears text from the buffer. Clears the text from SQL buffer. Enter COLUMN followed by column or expr and no other clauses to list the current display attributes for only the specified column or expression.

If you select columns with the same name from different tables, a COLUMN command for that column name will apply to both columns. Also, spaces are ignored unless the name is placed in double quotes. Allows entity mapping to be turned on or off for selected columns in HTML output. This feature allows you to include, for example, HTML hyperlinks in a column of data, while still mapping entities in other columns of the same report.

Inserts a carriage return after the column heading and after each row in the column. Inserts a carriage return before the column heading and before each row of the column. A stands for alphanumeric. Otherwise, the default width is A9. In Oracle9i, the NLS parameters may be set in your database parameter file or may be environment variables or an equivalent platform-specific mechanism. See the documentation for Oracle9 i for a complete description of the NLS parameters.

If you specify a width shorter than the column heading, the heading is truncated. Number of “9”s specifies number of significant digits returned. Blanks are displayed for leading zeroes. A zero 0 is displayed for a value of zero. Displays “-” after a negative value. For a positive value, a trailing space is displayed. For a positive value, a leading and trailing space is displayed. Displays the decimal character in this position, separating the integral and fractional parts of a number.

Displays a period decimal point in this position, separating the integral and fractional parts of a number. Displays upper- or lowercase Roman numerals. Value can be an integer between 1 and The MI and PR format elements can only appear in the last position of a number format model. The S format element can only appear in the first or last position. If a number format model does not contain the MI, S or PR format elements, negative return values automatically contain a leading negative sign and positive values automatically contain a leading space.

A number format model can contain only a single decimal character D or period. A group separator or comma cannot appear to the right of a decimal character or period in a number format model.

Defines a column heading. If text contains blanks or punctuation characters, you must enclose it with single or double quotes. Aligns the heading. Copies the display attributes of another column or expression whose attributes you have already defined with another COLUMN command. Starts a new line before displaying the column’s value. Specifies a variable to hold a column value. The variable name cannot contain a pound sign. See the example at the end of this command description.

Controls the printing of the column the column heading and all the selected values. PRINT turns the printing of the column on.

The default is a white space. Controls the status of display attributes for a column. OFF disables the attributes for a column without affecting the attributes’ definition. ON reinstates the attributes. Embedded whitespace not on a line boundary is not skipped. Note that the example divides this column specification into two commands. In order to print the current date and the name of each job in the top title, enter the following. Your two page report would look similar to the following report, with “Job Report” centered within your current linesize:.

Calculates and prints summary lines, using various standard computations, on subsets of selected rows. Represents one of the functions listed in Table If you specify more than one function, use spaces to separate the functions.

Defines the label to be printed for the computed value. You must place single quotes around text containing spaces or punctuation. The label prints left justified and truncates to the column width or linesize, whichever is smaller. The maximum label length is characters. The label for the computed value appears in the break column specified.

In the OF clause, you can refer to an expression or function reference in the SELECT statement by placing the expression or function reference in double quotes. Column names and aliases do not need quotes. COMPUTE prints the computed value and restarts the computation when the event occurs that is, when the value of the expression changes, a new ROW is fetched, or the end of the report is reached.

To calculate the average and maximum salary for the executive and accounting departments, enter. To total the salary at the end of the report without printing the compute label, enter. Connects a given username to Oracle. The username and password with which you wish to connect to Oracle. An Oracle Net connect identifier. The exact syntax depends on the Oracle Net communications protocol your Oracle installation uses. Represents a default logon using operating system authentication.

See the Oracle9i Database Administrator’s Guide for information about operating system authentication. For information about system privileges, see the Oracle9i Database Administrator’s Guide. CONNECT commits the current transaction to the database, disconnects the current username from Oracle, and reconnects with the specified username.

If an account is locked, a message is displayed and connection into that account as that user is not permitted until the account is unlocked by your DBA. For more information about setting up your password file, refer to the Oracle9i Database Administrator’s Guide.

To use a password file to connect to an instance on the current node as a privileged user named HR with the password HR, enter. The COPY command is not being enhanced to handle datatypes or features introduced with, or after Oracle8.

The COPY command is likely to be made obsolete in a future release. Specifies a user variable and assigns a CHAR value to it, or lists the value and variable type of a single variable or all variables. Represents the CHAR value you wish to assign to variable. Enclose text in single quotes if it contains punctuation or blanks. You should avoid defining variables with names that may be identical to values that you will pass to them, as unexpected results can occur.

If a value supplied for a defined variable matches a variable name, then the contents of the matching variable are used instead of the supplied value.

DEL makes the following line of the buffer if any the current line. You can enter DEL several times to delete several consecutive lines. Lists the column definitions for the specified table, view, or synonym, or the specifications for the specified function or procedure.

Represents the schema where the object resides. Represents the table, view, type, procedure, function, package or synonym you wish to describe. Consists of the database link name corresponding to the database where object exists. For more information on which privileges allow access to another table in a different schema, refer to the Oracle9i SQL Reference.

The description for tables, views, types and synonyms contains the following information:. You can also display the line number and indentation of the attribute or column name when an object contains multiple object types.

For more information, see the SET command later in this chapter. This may give unexpected text wrapping in your display. See COPY for information about changing the value of a user variable. BUF in your current working directory and invokes the text editor on the contents of the file. BUF already exists, it is overwritten with the contents of the buffer. If you do not specify a filename and the buffer is empty, EDIT returns an error message. Represents a user-defined or system variable but not a bind variable , such as SQL.

EXIT variable exits with the value of variable as the return code. EXIT allows you to specify an operating system return code. The manner of detection is operating-system specific. See the Oracle installation and user’s manual s provided for your operating system for details. The range of operating system return codes is also restricted on some operating systems. For example, on UNIX there is only one byte of storage for return codes; therefore, the range for return codes is limited to zero to Keyword to specify that the following argument is the name of the script you want to load.

This optional keyword is usually omitted. If you want to load a script with the name file , because it is a command keyword, you need to put the name file in single quotes. If the filename you specify contains the word list or the word file, the name must be in double quotes.

The statement should not be terminated with a semicolon. See the SAVE command in this chapter for more information. You can only enter one topic after HELP. For example, if you enter. If you get a response indicating that help is not available, consult your database administrator. HO[ST] [ command ]. Enter HOST without command to display an operating system prompt. You can then enter multiple operating system commands. You can suppress access to the HOST command. You may not have access to the HOST command, depending on your operating system.

See the Oracle installation and user’s manual s provided for your operating system or ask your DBA for more information. I[NPUT] [ text ]. Represents the text you wish to add. To add a single line, enter the text of the line after the command INPUT, separating the text from the command with a space.

To begin the line with one or more spaces, enter two or more spaces between INPUT and the first non-blank character of text. INPUT prompts you for each line. LIST 2 ensures that line 2 is the current line. The SQL buffer now contains the following lines:. INPUT prompts you for new lines until you enter an empty line or a period.

Enter LIST with no clauses to list all lines. The last line or only line listed becomes the new current line marked by an asterisk. Specifies the user. If omitted, username defaults to the current user. To change the password of another user, you must have been granted the appropriate privilege. If you are logged on as a DBA, and want to change the password for user johnw currently identified by johnwpass to johnwnewpass. PAU[SE] [ text ]. Because PAUSE always waits for the user’s response, it is best to use a message that tells the user explicitly to press [Return].

PAUSE reads input from the terminal if a terminal is available even when you have designated the source of the command input as a file. PRI[NT] [ variable Displays the current values of bind variables. For more information, see the SET command in this chapter. Represents the text of the message you wish to display. You can enter a department number at the prompt Department ID? Automatically generates the name of the next archived redo log file needed to continue the recovery operation.

If the file is found, the redo contained in that file is applied. You can then accept the generated filename or replace it with a fully qualified filename. FROM location. Specifies the location from which the archived redo log file group is read. The value of location must be a fully specified file location following the conventions of your operating system. Continues media recovery by applying the specified redo log file.

In the event of logfile corruption, specifies the number of corrupt blocks that can be tolerated while allowing recovery to proceed. During normal recovery, integer cannot exceed 1. Continues recovery using the redo log file generated automatically by Oracle if no other logfile is specified. Recovers the standby database using the control file and archived redo log files copied from the primary database.

The standby database must be mounted but not open. Specifies an incomplete, cancel-based recovery. Recovery proceeds by prompting you with suggested filenames of archived redo log files, and recovery completes when you specify CANCEL instead of a filename. Specifies an incomplete, time-based recovery. Use single quotes, and the following format:.

Specifies an incomplete, change-based recovery. Specifies that a backup of the control file be used instead of the current control file. Recovers a particular tablespace. You may recover up to 16 tablespaces in one statement. Reconstructs a lost or damaged tablespace in the standby database using archived redo log files copied from the primary database and a control file.

Reconstructs a lost or damaged datafile in the standby database using archived redo log files copied from the primary database and a control file. Specifies that the recovery of an old standby datafile or tablespace uses the current standby database control file. Specifies sustained standby recovery mode. This mode assumes that the standby database is an active component of an overall standby database architecture.

A primary database actively archives its redo log files to the standby site. As these archived redo logs arrive at the standby site, they become available for use by a managed standby recovery operation. Sustained standby recovery is restricted to media recovery. If you omit this clause, application of the archivelog is delayed according to the parameter setting. Specifies in minutes the wait period of the sustained recovery operation.

The recovery process waits for integer minutes for a requested archived log redo to be available for writing to the standby database. If the redo log file does not become available within that time, the recovery process terminates with an error message. You can then issue the statement again to return to sustained standby recovery mode.

In managed recovery, CANCEL terminates the managed standby recovery operation after applying the current archived redo file. Session control returns when the recovery process terminates. Terminates the managed recovery operation after applying the current archived redo file or after the next redo log file read, whichever comes first.

Terminates the managed recovery operation after the next redo log file read and returns session control immediately.

Indicates that the managed redo process MRP should apply archived redo files as a detached background process. Doing so leaves the current session available.

Recovers the current log standby logfiles of the standby database. It is useful in the event of the primary database failure.

This clause overrides any delays specified for archivelogs, so that Oracle logs are applied immediately. To perform media recovery on an entire database all tablespaces , the database must be mounted and closed, and all tablespaces requiring recovery must be online. To perform media recovery on a tablespace, the database must be mounted and open, and the tablespace must be offline. To perform media recovery on a datafile, the database can remain open and mounted with the damaged datafiles offline unless the file is part of the SYSTEM tablespace.

Be sure you can access all archived and online redo log files dating back to when that backup was made. When another log file is required during recovery, a prompt suggests the names of files that are needed. During recovery you can accept the suggested log name by pressing return, cancel recovery by entering CANCEL instead of a log name, or enter AUTO at the prompt for automatic file selection without further prompting. Our client is free for use of all types, including in organizations.

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In some languages, programmer confusion about the mathematical symbols may lead to an unintentional infinite loop. For example, here is a snippet in C :. The expected output is the numbers 0 through 9, with an interjected “a equals 5! Instead, this will assign the value of 5 to a at this point in the program. Thus, a will never be able to advance to 10, and this loop cannot terminate. Unexpected behavior in evaluating the terminating condition can also cause this problem.

Here is an example in C :. On some systems, this loop will execute ten times as expected, but on other systems it will never terminate.

The problem is that the loop terminating condition x! The same can happen in Python :. Because of the likelihood of tests for equality or not-equality failing unexpectedly, it is safer to use greater-than or less-than tests when dealing with floating-point values. For example, instead of testing whether x equals 1. Another way to fix this particular example would be to use an integer as a loop index , counting the number of iterations that have been performed.

A similar problem occurs frequently in numerical analysis : in order to compute a certain result, an iteration is intended to be carried out until the error is smaller than a chosen tolerance.

However, because of rounding errors during the iteration, the specified tolerance can never be reached, resulting in an infinite loop. An infinite loop may be caused by several entities interacting. Consider a server that always replies with an error message if it does not understand the request.

Even if there is no possibility for an infinite loop within the server itself, a system comprising two of them A and B may loop endlessly: if A receives a message of unknown type from B , then A replies with an error message to B ; if B does not understand the error message, it replies to A with its own error message; if A does not understand the error message from B , it sends yet another error message, and so on.

One common example of such situation is an email loop. An example of an email loop is if someone receives mail from a no reply inbox, but their auto-response is on. They will reply to the no reply inbox, triggering the “this is a no reply inbox” response. This will be sent to the user, who then sends an auto reply to the no-reply inbox, and so on and so forth. An example for loop in C :. It appears that this will go on indefinitely, but in fact the value of i will eventually reach the maximum value storable in an unsigned int and adding 1 to that number will wrap-around to 0, breaking the loop.

The actual limit of i depends on the details of the system and compiler used. With arbitrary-precision arithmetic , this loop would continue until the computer’s memory could no longer hold i. If i was a signed integer, rather than an unsigned integer, overflow would be undefined. In this case, the compiler could optimize the code into an infinite loop. Infinite recursion is a special case of an infinite loop that is caused by recursion.

The following example in VBA returns a stack overflow error:. A ” while true ” loop looks infinite at first glance, but there may be a way to escape the loop through a break statement or return statement.

Example in PHP :. Alderson loop is a rare slang or jargon term for an infinite loop where there is an exit condition available, but inaccessible in the current implementation of the code, typically due to a programmer’s error. These are most common and visible while debugging user interface code. A C-like pseudocode example of an Alderson loop, where the program is supposed to sum numbers given by the user until zero is given, but where the programmer has used the wrong operator:.

The term allegedly received its name from a programmer last name Alderson who in [12] had coded a modal dialog box in Microsoft Access without either an OK or Cancel button, thereby disabling the entire program whenever the box came up. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.


Indefinite execution ep download


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