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Pc repair and maintenance pdf free download


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Need an account? Click here to sign up. Download Free PDF. Examples of Hardware are pc repair and maintenance pdf free download Input devices: keyboard, mouse etc. Output divices: printer, monitor, speaker etc. The computer case Power Supply. It supplies DC overhea ng of the various electronic of the computer v o l t a g e s f по этому адресу r i n t e r n a l c o m p u t e r components components and has a fan to keep the computer cool.

Hard Disk, Flash Disk etc. Port: Is a connector on the motherboard or on a separate посмотреть еще that allows a device to connect to a computer; these may include keyboard, mouse, serial, parallel, network, sound, or video ports.

D-Shell Connector Serial Port. TRS p, ring and sleeve ports Also known as ports for mini-jacks or audio jacks. D-Shell Connector. Game Port. Serial Port. A Program is a sequence of instruc ons wri]en to solve a par cular problem. Opera ng System, Compilers, Interpreter, Assemblers etc. Allow a computer to perform tasks that are not part of downlad opera ng system, but are s ll prac cal and useful.

Both of pdt must work together to make a computer produce a useful output. Software cannot be utilized without supporting hardware. Hardware without set of programs to operate upon cannot be utilized and is useless. To get a particular job done on the computer, relevant software should be loaded into the hardware. A dodnload driver is a program that controls a par cular type of device that is a]ached to your computer. Repaor you buy an opera ng system, many device drivers are built into downliad product.

Hardware is a one-time expense. Different software eownload can psf loaded on a hardware to run different jobs. A software acts as an interface between the user and the hardware. If Hardware is the ‘heart’ of a computer system, then Software is its ‘soul’. Both are complimentary to each other. Or the screen blank?

These faults are probably also due to hardware problems. This is a code that can be used to dis nguish источник hardware problems. These can be due to hardware or soTware problems. Take mainfenance note of all informa on given in the error code.

These error codes repai probably due to перейти problems. If so, these are likely culprits. This could be a cause of soTware problems. The Device Manager will list all of the hardware devices installed on a PC. Any device with windows exchange server download problem will have a warning symbol next to it, and double clicking on that device would give d e t a i l s a n d s u g g e s t e d remedies for the problem.

Some possible. This op on will check the applica ons may fail outright if the Hard downlosd for pc repair and maintenance pdf free download. Some mes this is desirable, some mes not. Either pv, this prac ce may slow your computer down to various degrees, and with the program running all the me, may slow down the performance of your computer.

Note: Frse use cau on when uninstalling socware. These cyber-threats can cause huge dilemmas to your computer. Note: Modern computers have safeguards that shut down ffree system if a component is overhea ng.

The performance will be slow. This problem is most likely if the computer is rather old and has had a newer and pc repair and maintenance pdf free download memory demanding opera ng system installed. It will reduce the performance of the computer. Check to be sure if the computer is plugged in to pc repair and maintenance pdf free download AC outlet properly. It ensures that all downlload the system’s hardware is working properly before trying to load the opera ng system. If the computer does not pass POST, it will not boot.

Tip: Make sure the computer turns on. If nothing happens no lights, no sound, no fans, etc. Check to see that all of the cards are mauntenance pressed down into the bus connec ons, that any socketed chips are fully pressed into their sockets, and that all cable connec ons are fully a]ached.

Make sure that the drive cables are a]ached correctly. Dust can cause overhea ng problems and electrical shorts. Some нажмите для продолжения, insects will nest inside the case as well.

All of this needs to be cleaned out before you close up the case. Take precau ons to avoid pc repair and maintenance pdf free download excess dust, and consider using pc repair and maintenance pdf free download ve eyeware if necessary.

Перейти на страницу mes the hard disk will become corrupted by a user, or by a virus. Look for recent changes in your system’s opera on. You may need to run an uninstaller program to remedy socware-related problems.

The computer is unable to start up — If the rpair does not turn on when you нажмите сюда the power bu]on, the following sugges ons may help you to determine why the computer will not start up. A surge protector can be used in diwnload case, because voltage surges can be very damaging to computers and pc repair and maintenance pdf free download electrical components.

Then put on the system to perform a POST. Make sure that it is connected to a power source, and also that the VGA cable is connected abd the computer. The computer screen is blank If the screen is blank, the computer may not be set to display the image on the computer screen.

Fixing the power outlet in pc repair and maintenance pdf free download cases should help solve the issue. Computer Hardware Repairs and 53 Maintenance You can perform this ac on whilst you get a Blue screen error or sudden system crashes. NOTE: Backup service is an assurance that your data is safe. Trouble with video card — If the power light of the computer and monitor is on and nothing pc repair and maintenance pdf free download up on the screen when you start your computer then there must downlowd something wrong with video card.

Change its video or the graphics card with a new one. Most of the mes, this should help you get rid of the problem. The computer is on but not responding — the computer is on but not responding to socware or keyboard commands, then it must be frozen or halted. An external device is not working — If an external tepair does not func on as expected.

The power supply failure is a common problem in our country. RAM can fail нажмите сюда can loose from its housing and need to be reseated. If a computer needs new or addi onal RAM, it is important to make sure that the RAM used is compa ble with the computer system.

RAM is very easily damaged by electrosta c charges, so it is very important for the user to be grounded before picking up RAM. Also RAM should only be handled by the edges. Peripheral hardware such as printers, scanners ссылка на подробности last longer if proper care about heat, dust and power surge control is taking to considera on. Com and. Avoid switching of the power directly from pc repair and maintenance pdf free download main switch.

If not maintained, however, maintenancf ba]ery will require charging repxir frequently. Use the ba]ery as your power source un l the low ba]ery warning emerges. Using your laptop with the AC adapter plugged into an electrical outlet will overcharge the ba]ery.

Overcharging decreases the life of the ba]ery. Eventually the ba]ery will be unable to hold a charge and will require a replacement. Discharge the ba]ery — use the ba]ery un l the low ba]ery warning emerges.

Eagle cctv for pc the ba]ery — use the AC adapter un l the pdd is fully charged. Then immediately disconnect the AC adapter from the notebook. Computer Hardware Downloadd and 68 Maintenance.


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