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With the new, built from the ground up, WorkShare Transfer feature, you can save time by selecting only the items you need and transferring them directly to the other project, allowing you to re-use the exact work required on-the-fly.

Updating and synchronizing projects to facilitate change order requests now takes just minutes, in part because there is no need to disconnect users from the project to do so.

Transfer is already being incorporated into critical workflows on some of the most complex classes of ships. As a result, these firms are minimizing rework and producing deliverables more quickly thanks to their access to this fast and efficient sister ship solution. WorkShare Project allows work on a single ShipConstructor project model at multiple locations.

This is accomplished by using technology to merge distributed design back into a single 3D project model. WorkShare Design allows portions of a 3D project model, including assembly sequences, related production drawings, and the underlying design intent to be captured and reused in another ShipConstructor project. WorkShare Model allows you to transfer individual parts across different projects.

This allows you to replicate elements of the 3D model at granular level of detail or share those elements to necessary stakeholders. Throughout the entire shipbuilding process, certain realities hold true. It is always critical to visually understand the model you are working with, work with drawings in a way that fits your workflows, manage equipment efficiently, report on progress, and understand your build strategy. These tools help you do what you do better, no matter what part of the lifecycle your project is in.

ShipExplorer makes it easy to: Use the switchback feature to open the related model drawing within ShipConstructor. Load and compare revisions between model drawings. Load the product hierarchies and create sets from the hierarchies for easy navigation. Use the embedded Search tool to find specific parts. Review drawings, compare design changes, and communicate complex data models across local and wide area networks.

Quickly isolate selected objects and understand their orientation with the click of a button. In a world of 3D design and manufacturing, many activities still need to be supported with 2D drawings during design and throughout the shipyard. Using shipyard standards, MarineDrafting allows the creation of 2D approval and workshop drawings directly from the 3D model.

Equipment provides the ability to insert any type of equipment item into a ShipConstructor model. The equipment items can be modeled in almost any modeling software, including directly in AutoCAD, and then incorporated into the ShipConstructor database. At this point, HVAC and Pipe connections are added as well as production specific attribute information. Once standards have been defined, they are ready to be placed in the model.

ShipConstructor provides a flexible, powerful tool for generating non-graphical production information. The Report module allows for the definition of complex production detail reports that can be generated from the central project database on demand.

With advanced features such as grouping, sorting, summary fields and full control over the visual aspects of the report, this tool provides the means to extract the information required for the entire team.

Any report can be exported to formats such as Microsoft Excel for further calculation and analysis. ProductHierarchy is the hub within a project for production preparation. The build strategy is the primary product hierarchy, which defines the assembly sequence for the project. Every part produced in each of the various modules has a place in the build strategy.

Planning and scheduling departments define the build strategy to optimize the logical sequence of assembly based on production capabilities together with need-by and procurement dates. All ShipConstructor production output functions are driven by the build strategy, allowing for near-automatic generation of production drawings. Ready to learn more? Connect with our shipbuilding design and engineering experts. See why adopting ShipConstructor gave Ingalls Shipbuilding the ability to focus on their projects like never before.

Shipbuilding-specific surfacing technology and the simplicity of working inside of AutoCAD. Rapid 3D production detailing of internal hull structure. Production and management system for structural welds. Optimize stock utilization and streamline production. Drive any NC-cutting machine. Outfitting Products. Complete production design solution for pipe systems. Complete production design solution for HVAC systems. Complete production design solution for electrical systems. Intelligently create penetrations.

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Shipconstructor download free


Based on AutoCAD, ShipConstructor is the leading software product for ship design and ship building, shipconstructor download free worldwide. ShipConstructor provides the tools needed to design, model and prepare production documentation for any type of vessel, be it a ship, a submarine or an offshore platform.

Shipconstructkr the course of designing a vessel or an offshore structure, it is necessary to verify its strength and stiffness characteristics, preferably shipconstructor download free Finite Element Analysis.

The ShipConstructor stock catalogue supports the mechanical properties of materials needed shipconstructor download free FEA, and AutoFEM reads the full model topology directly, including:. If the user has not specified thee, they will be taken from the native AutoFEM Shipconstructor download free materials library, shipconstryctor a name matching technique. Settings of integration with ShipConstructor.

Calculation example of a ShipConstructor Assembly. Direct reading of data from the ShipConstructor materials library. Shipbuilding relates to the field of industrial activity, in which, in addition to developing the project, taking into account all the details, design calculations for strength, stability, and dynamic effects plays an important role. The techniques of finite element shhipconstructor FEM has become the shipconnstructor tool of modern engineers who use computer-aided design CAD.

FEA has been actively developed during the past 50 years and its development has gained new impetus with the emergence and spreading of available computer-aided design systems CAD-systems. The ShipConstructor suite of products has been deliberately designed to match standard industry processes, terminology and concepts of modern shipbuilding.

With technology designed to scale up to the largest shipbuilding projects, associative and parametric ship specific 3D modeling capabilities, and industry specific production output that promotes modular construction, ShipConstructor truly thinks shipbuilding.

More information ffee the ShipConstructor software can be found at www. The system is focused on the wider community of users of AutoCAD and allows carrying out the most required calculations without leaving AutoCAD, thereby enjoying all the benefits of an integrated solution.

The 3D ShipConstructor structure model and the corresponding meta-data properties and attributes, etc. And, to complete the picture, the user can add elements and additional materials within the AutoFEM Analysis environment. Thus, in order to proceed with the finite element study, shipconstructor download free must:. Generally, any ShipConstructor model drawing, i. However, they also contain data not used for FEA, and it may therefore be convenient to enable or disable certain portion of it.

A FEA study addressing a Unit. FEA carried out directly on frwe production assembly. Creating a study encompassing several Units. Finite-element modelling of an “exported” ShipConstructor 3D model. Thus, the ShipConstructor user can choose the most appropriate strategy for his Shipconstructor download free purposes from a variety of options. AutoFEM Analysis is unique in its ability to integrate with the ShipConstructor environment and, most especially, project database.

The corresponding functionalities are offered http://replace.me/1237.txt to the user when shipconstructor download free a ShipConstructor drawing.

Firstly, shipconstructor download free user will specify the mechanical адрес страницы of the desired materials in the ShipConstructor project database.

For Frequency analysis calculation of resonance frequenciesdownload office for windows free density is required as well.

Structural material properties shown in the ShipConstructor database. When “take properties from SC base” is selected, the system shipconstructor download free read the material properties from the ShipConstructor project database and will use them for the FEA calculation. This approach is very powerful for design and scantling sizing work, as material properties are set only once, in the ShipConstuctor project database and are available to other project databases.

This approach is convenient because it allows to use materials with complex properties e. The shipconstructor download free paragraphs present the steps listed above, based on a static strength analysis example. The first step involved the creation of the desired objects for finite element study, a set which may include all the model’s components, or only some of them.

Shipconstructor download free one set of objects for FEA can be defined in a document, and all subsequent studies will be based on this set and shipconstructor download free some or all of the objects.

Therefore, different studies can involve different groups of objects, all from the same set. If the document does not have an existing set of objects for FEA, a dialog appears, to create it. Running the “Create a shipcojstructor command. If any are found, the following message appears:. If user refuses the removal of clashes, this may then destroy the mesh generation process.

The presence of clashes is admissible in the case when one wants to work with the plate-surface study, based on the faces of 3D solid models. However, volumetric tetrahedral meshes foresee that each mesh frfe belongs to a single object and there are no intersections between 3D solids.

In practice, intersections between objects clashes should нажмите для продолжения avoided when using volumetric FE elements tetrahedrons. After the successful creation of a set of objects, the command dialog “Creating Study” appears automatically. Such formulations are further distinguished as:.

The study can include all the objects in the set of objects for FEA, or only some of them, user-selected. The group of objects selected for a study can be modified by adding or removing objects. Dowmload can be copied, and their type may be modified. For example, one can create and run a Static Analysis study, then change the type to Buckling Analysis and run it again with no further action: objects, boundary conditions, etc.

This strategy saves considerable time, eliminates many sources of error, etc. The Study creation dialog. Once the object group of a study is defined, the mesh creation dialog is automatically being available. For models based on 3D solids, a tetrahedral finite element mesh will be generated.

The mesh is created in the Meshing Parameters приведу ссылку. For typical ShipConstructor models, whose parts which are shipconstrucror relatively thin and spaced apart, it is recommended shipconstructor download free build the finite element mesh using the “Thin-walled structure regular ” option, which will result in a balanced and representative Приведу ссылку shipconstructor download free.

Once the other mesh parameters are selected, the mesh’s quality can be evaluated and the creation process completed:.

The tetrahedral grid model of a ShipConstructor model. The Увидеть больше Analysis materials library includes the materials most commonly used in various industries. AutoFEM shipconstrcutor anisotropic materials, and allows to set graphs of nonlinear dependence of ultimate strength vs number of loading cycles SN-curves for the desired materials. As noted above, AutoFEM can also acquire material’s name directly shipconstructor download free the ShipConstructor materials sbipconstructor and add properties only present in the Shipconstructor download free material library ShipConstructor does not need all strength-related посетить страницу of a given material.

In general, if a material is present in the ShipConstructor materials library, its properties should be maintained there. Downloaad AutoFEM materials library. Materials displayed next to the parts’ names in each study. FEA generally requires force balancing, hence the model being analyzed must be fixed in space. AutoFEM provided dedicated commands Fixture, Plane of Symmetry, Elastic base for this, allowing the specification of a constraint’s nature full or partial.

Special filters selectors shipconstructor download free the selection of the model element s to which the constraints are applied: faces, edges, vertices. When required, user coordinate systems are provided to specify the orientation shipconstructor download free the degrees of freedom. Constraints are shown graphically frfe the model. The Restraint dialog. Defining the restraints of a ShipConstructor model. Many different types of loads are available: force, pressure, acceleration, torque hydrostatic load, centrifugal force, and the нажмите чтобы узнать больше mass.

The user determines the magnitude and direction of loads and their application locations. Each load is identified uniquely in the Preprocessor window, and the symbol’s size and color are adjustable in the Force dialogue. Applying loads to a structural model. The “AutoFEM Palette” lists the defined studies, and each study’s pertinent data, mesh characteristics, materials, boundary shipconstructor download free and calculations results.

Additionally, contextual menus shipconstructor download free also available for each item in the list. Study Tree, showing the calculation runs. Once the finite element mesh has been created, the materials assigned, restraints and loads imposed, the calculations can be run. Prior to running the calculations, the user selects the equation solving method, a list of results to be made available, and finally specifies additional analysis options which depend on the type of analysis по этому адресу be run buckling, nonlinear, thermo-elasticity, etc.

Once the calculation starts, the Study Properties may request additional information specific to that run:. Properties of a Static Analysis study.

Solving dialog, reporting on calculation status and progress. Once a run completes successfully, the list of results appears in the Study Tree and, from the contextual menu of a given result, the user opens the corresponding Postprocessor shipconstructr. Results are displayed as color maps directly applied to the structural model, and the user has additional shipconstructor download free available to investigate the results:. In static strength analysis, review of the results begins with the investigation of displacements.

The must make sure that the calculated displacements correspond to the expected страница have a physical sense. Then, one may proceed to reviewing stresses, etc.

Displaying the calculated deflections. Safety factors expressed as equivalent stress. Tools for results animation on-screen.

Creating video of animated shopping cart hero 3 download pc. The “Report” command creates an html document that includes with principal data pertaining to the study at hand. The document can be saved. Sections of the rownload. At this point, the user has identified maximum displacements and safety factors, and can ascertain the design’s applicability to its intended use.

Moreover, presentation materials have been generated, including videos and detailed html-reports. In order to apply material properties found in AutoFEM materials library but in Shipconstructor download free, the name of the material at hand must be the same in the two libraries.

The steps to ensure this are:.


ShipConstructor R2 Download.AutoFEM&ShipConstructor

If the number of equations exceeds the maximum set in the Processor settings default , , the iterative method is used for solving. Materials displayed next to the parts’ names in each study. The user can control this choice by defining selection parameters, or by selecting the desired method just prior to launching the analysis. Finite-element modelling of an “exported” ShipConstructor 3D model Thus, the ShipConstructor user can choose the most appropriate strategy for his FEA purposes from a variety of options. Downloads Purchase Contact Community. The iterative method’s main advantage over the iterative method is its low RAM requirement, which is comparable to the amount of RAM needed for the initial stiffness matrix location. ShipConstructor is a suite of items focused on explicitly at the shipbuilding and seaward enterprises.


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